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  1. A

    PGP & Visitors Visa

    Hi Everyone, I'm thinking of putting in a PGP application for my mother. However, I would like to have her come visit this summer on a tourist visa. Is there any issue with applying for both? Background: She has multiple rejections for tourist visa to the US (lack of ties to home country)...
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    IMM 5606 Additional Doc (Marriage after AOR)

    Hi Everyone, I am in IP1 and got a request for a completed IMM 5406 additional family documentation. It is a simple form that shouldn’t be hard to fill. The complication arises with the fact that I got married a few weeks after AOR, a few months ago ( have been in IP1 for a long time)...
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    115 days IP1

    hello experts, Ive been stuck in IP1 for over a hundred days now. 117 to be exact. Is this cause for concern? Have not called or applied for gcms notes. Application is still under review...
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    US CPT counts at work ex?

    Hi all, I am enrolled in a masters program in the u.s. concorrent to the studies, I am working full time on my CPT status. Work is considered as educational credit. Also getting paid. Anyone in the same boat? Is this considered work ex for Canada? Thanks?
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    Getting married EAPr but wife not accompying

    Hi all, Crucial timeline here. I’m leaving from the us to india in a few hours. Will submit my EAPR prior to departure. I am going to be married in about 5 days time in India. My question is, when I raise a CSE about marriage, and I mention my wife will not be staying with me, will they...
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    Marriage after ITA

    Hi All, A bit of a predicament here. I received my ITA a couple of days ago. Will be going to get married in India on the 25th of March. My to be spouse has not started a single step of the document collection. She may be able to do everything (apart from the IELTS) in time, but that would...
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    Timeline Between ITA and Passport Request

    Hi All, I received my ITA today (Yoohoo!!). I have all my documents ready to go (apart from FBI verification) which for which my card was charged today and I'm hoping to receive it in a weeks time. I should be able to submit my application before march however, I will be travelling to India...