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  1. Binabik

    regarding the references for canadian passport applications

    For a first passport application you need both a guarantor and two references. The guarantor signs the application form. For the references you just need to provide their contact information in the form, no need for letters. For more information on the matter...
  2. Binabik

    Citizenship test status from Completed to In progress?

    A quick follow-up on this issue: I simply contacted IRCC (https://secure.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/canada-case-cas-eng.aspx) at the time, and they confirmed it was a glitch. They fixed the test status right away. Quoting their answer:
  3. Binabik

    Citizenship test status from Completed to In progress?

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone else has encountered the same issue as me with getting invited to do the citizenship test twice: I have successfully completed the citizenship test online in July (I was scheduled to take citizenship test online between June 24, 2021 and July 15...
  4. Binabik

    1 upload option for Multiple documents

    Why don't you simply do what CIC suggests: generate all your PDF, and then simply merge them using for instance https://www.pdfmerge.com/ As a results you will obtain one PDF file that you can easily upload. Of course you can use whatever merging solution you want. The bottom line is: they...
  5. Binabik

    1 upload option for Multiple documents

  6. Binabik

    Timeline Between ITA and Passport Request

    Don't worry, it is unlikely that your application is processed in just one month, plus when you receive PPR you still have an entire month to send your passport anyway.
  7. Binabik

    Renounce and sponsor again.

    Renouncing her PR status will not affect future applications, and yes you can sponsor her again, granted you still meet the eligibility requirements. The rules and process for family sponsorship may have changed and therefore you will have to get up-to-date with the new policies. No...
  8. Binabik

    CEC ITA - Proof of funds

    Under "Proof of Means of Financial Support," when asked to upload a letter from your bank. Upload the LOE instead.
  9. Binabik

    Returning to Canada (didn't meet RO)

    There is a 3rd option (you may not like it but it is just for completeness): Renounce your PR status since you are not planning to settle anytime soon; travel freely in Canada as a tourist without having to worry about the appeal and a possible removal order; reapply for PR about one year before...
  10. Binabik

    Returning to Canada (didn't meet RO)

    The officer can report you but not deny your entry as long as your PR card is still valid. If you are reported you can appeal and defend your case during a hearing (whether you are in Canada or not). The following link should answer your questions about the whole process...
  11. Binabik

    CEC ITA - Proof of funds

    Having a LMIA or not is irrelevant here: under CEC no proofs of fund is required whatsoever (cf. http://www.cic.gc.ca/ENGLISH/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1145&top=29). When you see contradictory information try to always double-check the CIC website to find out the truth.
  12. Binabik

    How the point to be counted with spouse

    Without spouse. When in doubt about your CRS score you can use the online calculator and check by yourself: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/crs-tool.asp
  13. Binabik

    Cancelled Application for TRV

    Raise a CSE or call them and ask what happened.
  14. Binabik

    Applied for EE, got invitation under CEC

    Yes, you have to provide proofs of experience for all jobs you claimed points for (both abroad and in Canada).
  15. Binabik

    Closed work permit

    You can find your answer here: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/visitors/implied-status-extending-stay.html
  16. Binabik

    Closed work permit

    There should be an expiry date on your current LMIA. It has to be valid when you apply, otherwise I think that you will need a new one (you might want to double-check that). But of course, you first need to talk to your employer and ask whether he/she is willing to extend your job and issue you...
  17. Binabik

    Closed work permit

    If you don't get an ITA, an option is to try and extend your work permit. This would be possible only if your employer is willing to extend your position, or if another employer offers you a job and gets a positive LMIA. In that case, and if you apply before the end of your current permit, you...
  18. Binabik

    How is the job market for sql developers?

    In general the job market for computer science is pretty good, especially in big cities. But if you are looking for a very specific area (sql server developers), then I suggest you browse websites such as Linkedin... with specific keywords.
  19. Binabik

    Wrong height in my COPR

    You can modify the CoPR while landing. The officer will tell you what to do.
  20. Binabik

    Does MSP help me to get a discount on a medical exam?

    MSP stands for Medical Services Plan (the public health insurance in BC). https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/health-drug-coverage/msp