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Search results

  1. L

    WES email stating CIC

    First question i would like to ask is that the degree you want to evaluate did you obtain it in canada??. If you obtained it in canada you then do not need an assessment if using it for CIC immigration. Also WES report is valid for 5 years generally for whatever purpose you using it for.Howvere...
  2. L

    WES Query Urgent !!!!

    Either way, to be on a much safer side its better you wait for the actual degree to be issued...
  3. L

    wes report submission please help!!!

    The best option is to log in to your WES account, download your report from there and save it on your pic or laptop either under documents or desktop then go to your express entry account and upload it from there....Hope this helps...cheers & Best of luck!
  4. L

    WES Query Urgent !!!!

    You need to find out why her provisional degree was rejected(if not stated in the rejection letter) if all steps required by WES were followed... I'm aware that they do not respond to calls or emails so the best option to get them to respond to you and very quickly is to tweet them...
  5. L

    PEI PNP 2017

    Hi, I am creating this topic to find out if anyone has received any ITA from the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nomination Program this year. I would appreciate if you could reply with your time line and CRS score if anyone has received an ITA from this province.Cheers!
  6. L

    Doubt about express entry profile

    I would like to ask in which province did you get the job?. If the job offer is in the following provinces you may take advantage of the Atlantic Immigration Program(AIPP): Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador and Prince Edward Island. Under this pilot program, you do not need a...
  7. L

    Doubt about express entry profile

    I strongly advise you wait for her's to come through first before you submit. I just want to make something clear. Creating profile is different from submission so yes you can create the profile but do not submit it yet until after her WES report has been completed. But be aware that WES many at...
  8. L


    My opinion is that you should write why you are interested in PEI. While doing so take this into account what you know about prince edward Island in terms of it environment, economic prospect, job opportunities especially in your area of occupation you intend to take up, the cost of living...
  9. L

    Re: Hi

    google opportunitiespei.. All you need to know and write on pei is there. This will assist you in doing your write up for the EOI..Cheers!