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  1. C

    Can I get a re-entry option when extending my visitor visa?

    I have been in Canada since August 2016 and have been on extended visitor visa's. (I have paid the fees to apply for spousal sponsorship for permanent residency but have been too sick to complete the actual forms. I am married to a Canadian.) However, it has been almost 3 years since I have seen...
  2. C

    Spousal Sponsorship Birth Certificate for Applicant

    Hello, We are busy completing the Spousal Sponsorship forms and I'd like to know if I'll need to submit an unabridged birth certificate for myself (I am the applicant)? I have an abridged certificate which shows my full name and place of birth but I do not have an unabridged certificate that...
  3. C

    Online Signature on Family Form Visa Extension

    Hi I understand that for the Visa Extension application I will use an online signature by typing my name - but I would like to know if I can print and physcally sign the Family Information form or if I should leave those spots open as well?
  4. C

    Need some advice please - Inland application and extending visitor visa

    Hello everyone, I am quite new to this and have been reading threads for days and would like to ask for some advice please. Just a summary of our situation - we want to get married next spring (May) but my visitor visa expires in January. In short, I would like to apply for an extension of...