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Search results

  1. E

    Administrative refusal - Do you have to declare it on next visit to the USA?

    I landed this past month via flapoling. At the US side, we were handed a piece of paper for the administrative refusals but nothing was stamped on our passports. Now i'm planning a trip to the US and i was wondering if i had to tell the officer i had once gotten an admin refusal. Has anyone who...
  2. E

    Spouse is Permanent Resident already - Police Report and Medical Exam

    If a spouse or partner is already a permanent resident, do they have to do the medical exams and submit police certificate for their spouse's express entry application?
  3. E

    CEC ITA - Worked in 2 NOcs in same company - less than one year in each NOC?

    My friend got invited under the CEC category in yesterday's draw. She is currently working with a company in Canada and has worked there for the last 1 year and 4 months in 2 different roles (NOC). The question we have been trying to answer is whether she can apply for EE under the CEC category...