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Search results

  1. M

    Syrian refugees application for settlement in Canada

    Please help I have applied to sponsor a syrian refugees who live in Lebanon. The Sponsorship was approved in Canada and the refugees were called for an interview two weeks ago and the officer said that everything is going to work very well and they were transferred for medical exams. They are a...
  2. M

    Syrian refugees settlement application outside Canada

    Please help I have applied to sponsor a syrian refugees who live in Lebanon. The Sponsorship was approved in Canada and the refugees were called for an interview two weeks ago and the officer said that everything is going to work very well and they were transferred for medical exams. They are a...
  3. M

    Syrian refugees application for resettlement in Canada

    Please help I have applied to sponsor a syrian refugees who live in Lebanon. The Sponsorship was approved in Canada and the refugees were called for an interview two weeks ago and the officer said that everything is going to work very well and they were transferred for medical exams. They are a...
  4. M

    Application status has changed from (in process to application received)

    Hi everyone I live in Canada, and I am originally Syrian. I have applied to sponsor a family Syrian refugee, who live in Lebanon. we applied to sponsor them under 5 group sponsorship. we sent the application on October xx, 2015. The application for the Sponsorship and the permanent resident...
  5. M

    Application status has changed from (in process to application received)

    Hi everyone I live in Canada, and I am originally Syrian. I have applied to sponsor a family Syrian refugee, who live in Lebanon. we applied to sponsor them under 5 group sponsorship. we sent the application on October xx, 2015. The application for the Sponsorship and the permanent resident...