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  1. I

    question about requested additional documents

    Thanks for the feedback Deccan, That's rather strange though...because I already provided them with passport pages with all the stamps in my initial application.
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    question about requested additional documents

    Hi, I just received an online letter from CIC to submit additional documents for my PR application through Express Entry. However, I can't quite figure out exactly what they want. it says : Travel History Info Form: Information on your previous travel history (trip duration and purpose)...
  3. I

    question about requested additional documents

    Hi, I just received an online letter from CIC to submit additional documents for my PR application through Express Entry. However, I can't quite figure out exactly what they want. it says : Travel History Info Form: Information on your previous travel history (trip duration and purpose)...
  4. I

    Apply under CEC or PNP?

    Thanks you very much!
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    Apply under CEC or PNP?

    Thanks for the reply. I didn't quite get that. So when CIC sends me ITA, do I have to apply under PNP? if not, what's better? Btw, how come my EE profile says "Province/Territory Nomination : Received" but "Provincial Nominee Program(Criteria) : Not Met" ?
  6. I

    Apply under CEC or PNP?

    Hi, could anyone advise me on what to do? I just received a nomination for PNP and received 600 points. My new score is now 1048 and I'm expecting to receive ITA in the next draw. My question is, is it better to apply under PNP now that I have nomination for it or is it better to stick with my...
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    CIC should revise this express entry system

    oh wow, now you want to bring education into this? I'd be surprised if you have achieved HALF of what I have in school to be honest.
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    CIC should revise this express entry system

    wow...talking to pets would be easier. I've mentioned again and again and again and again "HOW" the government has been saying one thing to the OUTSIDE WORLD and doing another INSIDE and "WHY" people got mad because of that but all you keep saying is "this is how it should be, they are doing...
  9. I

    CIC should revise this express entry system

    You clearly do not know what's been going on lately. Conservatives have been handing out flyers like "if chosen again, they would ensure temporary workers would no longer be taking jobs away from Canadians." and just so people like you, who are so blinded by their own beliefs that they refuse to...
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    CIC should revise this express entry system

    you keep avoiding to reply whenever I raise a key point. I said, "If the government wants to protect their citizens(as they claim) by forcing foreigners give up their jobs, why are they handing out so many work permits in the first place? If they are so concerned about safeguarding their...
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    CIC should revise this express entry system

    They are avoiding to answer the key issue with the system that I've been pointing out. and goes on and on about how this is how it should be, etc. It's clear that they are not open to discussion. They want people to conform to their views as if they are the dictators in this free country.
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    CIC should revise this express entry system

    If the government wants to protect their citizens(as they claim) by forcing foreigners give up their jobs, why are they handing out so many work permits in the first place? It's because to the outside world, this government wants to be labeled as "free country that welcomes immigrants where...
  13. I

    CIC should revise this express entry system

    you, just like any other person from the conservatives, fail to realize something. How is it better for Canadian economy to somewhat force companies to hire Canadians when apparently, there are better candidate with better skill set who just happened to be a foreigner? Let's say that it ends up...
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    CIC should revise this express entry system

    You are kidding about people with 10 years of work exp and people with 5 having the same skill sets, right?
  15. I

    CIC should revise this express entry system

    All you've been saying would be valid IF AND ONLY IF the government has been honest about what type of people they are looking for and prefer up until now. Why are you so obsessed in trying to justify the system and criticize others for speaking their opinion about the system? Is it because you...
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    CIC should revise this express entry system

    you don't know what the government has been doing, do you? it has constantly been saying publically, especially in the past, that they WANT and PREFER people that have grown up in this country, had Canadian education, and gained Canadian work experience, because they are most likely to succeed...
  17. I

    CIC should revise this express entry system

    bashing people from day 1? You need to learn how to understand the point people are trying to make. when did I EVER say that ALL LMIA holders are like that? and I have been constantly pointing out the flaw of this system but you are the one misunderstood the point and took it offensively and got...
  18. I

    CIC should revise this express entry system

    You are avoiding my previous questions. I don't care if the Canadian government changes immigration policies all the time. They can do whatever they want with their rules. But why does Canadian government keep "say" one thing and "does" another? That's why a lot of people are mad at this system...
  19. I

    CIC should revise this express entry system

    Figures. I now see why Butterflychemist is so obssessed with criticizing people's posts here and goes on and on about how the new system is working exactly it should, etc. He got the LMIA, he got the bonus "600" points, he got the ITA. and he's been acting like he has an objective view on this...
  20. I

    CIC should revise this express entry system

    you are sadly mistaken. please don't make any false assumptions about others. Even if I, or any other people in my situation, received ITA already, I would still question the fairness of this system for over-crediting those people, and the Canadian government not living up to what it has been...