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    Cover Letter for Reapplying a TRV

    I will keep that in mind. :)
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    Cover Letter for Reapplying a TRV

    Thanks a tonne Bryanna for the detailed guidelines. My previous visa was rejected because I was stupid enough to believe that declaring my fix deposits worth $50,000 CAD would be a suffice proof to show my financial stability. I didn't show any current account or liquidity for the short trip...
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    Cover Letter for Reapplying a TRV

    Thank you Jalex23, Bryanna and mikeymyke for your prompt reply. I too thought it would be necessary to mention about the previous visa refusal, but needed to confirm it with experts. :) I hope you guys don't mind me asking one last question. My wife has a one year study permit for Canada. I...
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    Cover Letter for Reapplying a TRV

    My Canada TRV application was rejected this September. I am reapplying for the same visa but this time I am putting a cover letter to explain my case better. Now my question is, Do I need to mention in the cover letter that my TRV was rejected the last time? Or do I need to treat this...
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    Hi Diplomatru, Thank you for the prompt reply. I too feel that I should stick with the normal visa approach instead of dubious means. I am going to submit an honest and strong letter of intent and keep my fingers crossed. Thanks again for your help. :)
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    Hi I want to learn advance baking and patisserie art from Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa. I got the admission in the course I desire and now is the time for the visa process. But my visa counsellor says I won't get my student visa because I have done graduation in Information Technology in 2008. Even...