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Search results

  1. M

    Got 2yr work visa in a farm Quebec , chances for PR?

    Hi friend's i got a job in farm quebec but visa only for 2 year, i like to stay permanent. Is it possible to get pr or apply for pr with in 2yr and if not how can i extend visa..please help..
  2. M

    Assiniboine community college, manitoba offering hospitality management 6+2 mont

    one agency said about Assiniboine community college, manitoba offering hospitality management 6+2 month course. my queries: 1. is this 1 yr course? 2. stay back duration? 3. college reputation? 4. partime availability 5.PR option? friends please reply for my queries..i would like to come in...
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    Assiniboine community college, manitoba. hospitality management 6+2 month course

    one agency said about Assiniboine community college, manitoba offering hospitality management 6+2 month course. my queries: 1. is this 1 yr course? 2. stay back duration? 3. college reputation? 4. partime availability 5.PR option? friends please reply for my queries..i would like to come in...
  4. M

    Study and Settle in canada..!!

    hi friends ... i would like to study in canada and settle . which province helps to get PR very easy and course + duration. Me doing final semster MBA in India. please reply...Tanx :)
  5. M

    Mba to Phd..help

    Hi..i doin mba final, i want to know aboy phd in canada. If i opt for phd how long i gt visa for stayg ther. Fees, college, workpermit etc
  6. M

    hi..am an Mba graduate, i need to do 2yr course in canada. help

    Hi , I am frm india. Doing mba, cousre will over this may 2014. Specialized in HR and Marketing. I want to do 2 yr course in canada. Am not interested in accounting, so can i do pgd in hospitality or other course without accounting. suggest me some course to do. My aim is stay in canada and...