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Search results

  1. A

    Electronics Engineering for NOC 2174

    Sorry for late reply. I just couldn't see these responses on the post before. I finally had applied under 2174 code got PR more than an year back. There were no questions asked/doubts raised about the programming component/non-comp science degree etc (the one which i was worried about before...
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    Employer letter with education as purpose

    Yes, the letter has almost everything except manager's name. Only apparent issue is that they have added a line in the end which says that it has been issued on employee's request for pursuing higher education.
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    Employer letter with education as purpose

    Hi, I have got an invitation and have to file PR application within few days. For this, I have got a letter from employer. As my employer doesn't provide letters for immigration, I had to obtain this letter by mentioning the reason of requirement as pursuit of higher studies. Due to this, the...
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    Electronics Engineering for NOC 2174

    Hi all, I have done Electronics engineering and my job role fits description of NOC 2174. I got an invitation also and have to submit my application within few days. When i was going through the requirements of NOC 2174, i saw 2 things as its criteria: 1. Roles and responsibilities: I have...
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    Multiple letters for one work experience

    Thanks a lot everyone for your detailed helpful responses :):)
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    Multiple letters for one work experience

    Hi all, I have got an invitation and now i need to submit application. For experience letter from my employer, I have got one letter which has some details mentioned and some are not mentioned. I have got roles and responsibilities, tenure, designation mentioned in letter. However, my employer...
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    Time taken in getting PR

    Dear all, Need you help to know how much time is taken approximately to get a PR of Canada, while you are applying from outside Canada (from New Delhi office). Here, I am referring to the time duration between the PR application filing date and date on which you can finally allowed to...