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  1. S


    Thz good. so Academic works for both. Guyz, any official link abt tht?
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    Hi all, Is it mandatory ILETS General for PR application? or Academic will do?
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    clarification about Police cleareance

    I'm applying to CIO at July. By this time going to collect all Police clearence. If get acceptence frIO, then will submit all papers to Visa officer by Novemeber. can Visa office ask for updated police clearence again? Tht seems quite difficult to collect those several times.
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    clarification about Police cleareance

    Hi all, As per the CIC guideline( which is available with Application package) all the police cleareances should not be old then 3 months, whn applying to CIO. In that case they might be older then 3 months at the time of submitting the final application( I mean full documents to the visa...
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    Education Documents that needs to be Notarized?

    'Transcript should be sent directly from college to Embassy.' It seems difficult. Is it must tht transcrpit should be sent directly from college? for example:- I did my Grad and master's frm Bangladesh long back. I have my transcrpits with me. now I'm in Uk. How can I manage to Bangladesh Uni/...
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    When to Show the funds?

    Thnx ankit. If I want to be more specific- is there any certain criteria for the fund? If it is a current account and the required amount is available about a month before to submit the application- is it ok? or it has to be a Fixed deposit? I mean is there any specific time frame?
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    When to Show the funds?

    thnx Louay. I knw its very important. but wandering shld I submit the fund prove during full application or has to prove during landing only? Since u've already send ur full application, whtz ur experience?
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    Hi All, I'm very new to this forum and obviously a BD guy :). Can any one please confirm which academic documents need to send with full application? is it the transcripts only or certificate as well? If certificate is not available yet?( in case of Masters frm National University) Is it...
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    When to Show the funds?

    Hi all, need to know when should I provide docuemnts for available funds? Is it with all other documents during the full applications or after that individually? How long the fund should available? Thnx advance for your reply.