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  1. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    Got Email with a hyperlink to a pdf file, states that cap reached and my application was not accepted, I submit my Jan 3rd 16:00, I'm the only one I should blame, I was able to submit Jan 2nd 19:00 if I didn't went for sleep, I thought since the system was so difficult to use there shouldn't be...
  2. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    I just found the record in the spreadsheet, pretty early, 1/02/2014 17:00:00 CST, but here the post is saying Jan. 3, hmm, I'm confused
  3. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    Do you mind tell us why are you getting this Email? Were you send mail to them asking for progress?
  4. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    Thanks for sharing and that's really a greate news to us
  5. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    They are playing the game that who waited the longest period got a nomination for free lottery game :P
  6. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    Nice, that means we will have some news soon.
  7. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    Calm Before the Storm, I really wish SINP can process faster, no matter we are in or not, just send out the Email quick
  8. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    I'm sorry it looks 2173 is regulated: http://www.workingincanada.gc.ca/report-eng.do?area=29307&lang=eng&noc=2173&action=final&ln=p&s=3#RegulatedOccupation, you should Email Canadian Information Processing Society of Saskatchewan ASAP to figure out your next step
  9. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    Yeah I saw that but that's really make this grey, work in canada is one of the specific web site the application guide mentioned, the page you mentioned is a general guideline for all IT guys, for either "Information Systems Professionals" or "Information Technology Certified Professionals", the...
  10. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    Just search it here: http://www.workingincanada.gc.ca/occupation_search-eng.do , check out Education & Job Requirements tab, and you can see for each NOC how it's been defined in each province, some of the IT NOC are regulated and some are not, I didn't search all but you can see 2147 is...
  11. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    Does this mean ones got no AOR till now will just get reject mail later? Could it be possible that this cap reached was just a count based on applications submitted in the system but not on people got AOR, I didn't got AOR and wish there are still hopes. Per my search this forum should be the...
  12. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    There are some other forum some guy said so, it's hard to prove it but theoretically it's possible, if you look into the procedure on SINP site, they only start screening after they send AOR
  13. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    I'd wish on tomorrow their Friday the Intake number changed on their site from 250 down to 249, which means they are faster than ever and we all still have hope, lol
  14. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    AOR is just as what it means, even you got that doesn't mean you qualified, it's much longer way to go, you can even submit totally empty application without any document uploaded but still get an AOR
  15. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    Would it be helpful to have our points listed in the spreadsheet as well so that we can get a deeper understanding to know if it's first come first serve?
  16. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    So does your application status changed?
  17. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    Easy bro, most of us are still waiting, per my understanding received doesn't mean the application earned one spot, it need to be evaluated and then if nominate letter sent then it will actually took one spot, per one of the Seniors on the forum mentioned SINP got really few guys work on this so...
  18. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    OK, that make sense, thank you
  19. simonwang

    SINP Aspirants 2014 Lets CONNECT HERE

    hmm, let's say line 46 and 47, it's 1/3/2014 21:01:00 CST and 1/3/2014 3:30:00 CST, even we say 3:30 is pm shouldn't it before 21? I believed it's all 24 hours format it's just those ones lack of a 0 in front of it, should be 03:30 instead of 3:30. We all spend our none sleeping days so I...