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    Success rate of getting into these universities

    Agreed with ajoseppph But don't know are there any odd jobs in Montreal or not kindly tell me if any one knows....
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    September Intake 2013 students... Post here... We'll help each other...

    I have applied for M.Eng ECE at various unis, got admission in Concordia uni, but I want to apply for UNi of New Brunswick. My profile is B.S Electronics Engg GPA 3.27 IELTS 7.0 Work exp 2 years For now I am. Confused for whether uni of concordia is better or UNB?plz suggest?
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    Concordia: Reviews & Comparison

    Agreed...+you can also mail directly to the department regarding fee. Still I wud say you must join FB Dalhousie grad page it's very helpful.......
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    Concordia: Reviews & Comparison

    For fees of Dalhousie go at this site http://www.dal.ca/admissions/money_matters/tuition_fees_costs/fee_calculator.html Dalhousie ranking is 243 and concordia is 501 http://www.topuniversities.com And I said all are gud uni but I also said that It depends on the AMOUNT OF MONEY you have...
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    Concordia: Reviews & Comparison

    Internetworking of Dalhousie is very famous+there are a lot of Indians and Pakistanis over there to help you+Dalhousie is world ranking uni better than concordia.....but inter networking is an expensive course....join Dalhousie grad page at FB to get gud info from desi people....as far as...
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    visa application refused again !!! oh my Allah

    In my opinion you must hire a v.gud consultant now, there must be something missing in your case....
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    anyone for UNB (University Of New Brunswick) ??

    Ajoseph: I have also applied for M.Eng ECE, but no reply came yet could you please tell me when did you apply and in how many days you got accepted. I have got admission in concordia but I am preferring UNB because it is cheaper than concordia....kindly tell me which uni is better?
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    Dalhousie, Concordia, Ryerson or Winsor-M.Engg

    Last year I applied in Dalhousie and got rejected, this year I have applied in ryerson and concordia hope to get admission, as far as Windsor is concerned it is an expensive uni but admission is not that must hard. My profile Applied for M.Eng ECE CGPA 3.27 IELTS 7.0 Experience 2 years
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    B.s electronic engg 3.27 GPA IELTS 7.0 Exp 2 year in instrumentation and controls Applying in M.Eng Power systems Kindly tell me do you know about rate of admissions and is it easy to get visa I have heard that b/c of Toronto is crowded visa rate is not much high. Share your views....thanks
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    Is any one applying in ryerson Graduate Program? mine M.Eng ECE.
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    concordia university jan 2013 results

    kindly tell me who every got admission HAVE YOU SUBMITTED Admission Assessment Form: Graduate Studies Programmes please help me and reply is there any such form for M.ENG or should i directly apply
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    IMP Please HELP

    Kindly help me I am applying in ryerson uni for M.ENG ECE, is this a good uni and is there any one studying or applying there? Kindly send your comments what ever you know... It will be highly appreciated....thanks...
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    concordia university jan 2013 results

    I am applying for m.eng ECE can any successful applicant please send me your SOP. Kindly help. Or if you can't so please at least tell the points to emphasis.....
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    Master's in Electrical Engineering

    You will be considered domestic student, here in this forum you might not find domestic students, admission criteria for domestic students are different and it might be easy as compared to international students.
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    Could you tell me about admission is it easy or tough m.eng electrical engg?
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    Concordia University

    hello, i need help i am applying for fall 2013 M.Eng Electrical Engg, kindly tell me in the form it asks me to chose a field of research i want to study POWER SYSTEMS but it requires two more entries shall i fill them randomly? and does it effects my admission in power systems?
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    HIGH CHANCES OF ADMISSION: Please tell me universities to apply fall 2013

    I have previously applied for Dalhousie and Calgary uni, and got rejected now I want to apply on those universities where there are high chances of admission. Kindly tell me which universities to prefer. My profile Matric: 75 Inter: 62 Bachelors: B.S Electronics Engineering Exp: 2 years related...