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Search results

  1. imhussain

    Pakistani ACMA's & FCMA's (Cost and Management Accountants

    Azhar, That's a good idea to have a special plateform as well as a collective one. But I think too much personal detail on such an open plateform is not adviseable. Had it been a bit restricted plateform, it was alright to do that. So, filtered info on my part is: FCMA, 0111, applied in June...
  2. imhussain

    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    Congratulations. May Allah help you in the future and succeed you in every aspect of this immig. It will be very heplful if you share your timeline, if you don't mind. Regards, Imhussain
  3. imhussain

    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    Dear, did you get answer to your query regarding signature / tumb impression of children on passport. Please share if got. Other members are requested to expedite response to the mentioned query. Regards
  4. imhussain

    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    Dear Satar Ali ! Thank you for your reply to my early posts. Want to have your advice in another matter. Since they are processing on snail pace, and my funds are stuck in the bank. I am being advised by someone to invest the funds in property, as there is a good opportunity. What do you...
  5. imhussain

    CHC London - when will this Big Freeze be over? qorax, seniors please help

    Very impressive. Then did you get that information / updated policy of "SLOWING DOWN" the FAST TRACK Applications. Please share when you get it somewhere, so that we may also start thinking POSITIVELY... Regards
  6. imhussain

    All Pakistani Applicants Sign this petition!!!!!!!!!

    Dear, I have signed the same, though have some resevations about the language. But I think now as its not possible to change it. Let's bear with it.
  7. imhussain

    CHC London - when will this Big Freeze be over? qorax, seniors please help

    You have very rightly deliberated on the situation. There seems to be a very strange 'policy matter' OR as might have flashed in some minds a ‘mismanagement’ caused 'DELAY'. But whatever it is - it is unexpected. Frankly speaking I do not expect from a country like Canada - to which I got...
  8. imhussain

    Dual PR Visa (Canada / Australia)

    Dear Friends! I have heard from someone that one can not get two PR Visas at a time. One visa has to be surrendered. While in my quick search I could not find any such rule, instantly. Anyone who can tell, if Canada and Australia allow PR Visa on a passport when other country's PR Visa is...
  9. imhussain

    Staple or paper clip

    I think one can use a (plastic) clip file with protective sheets (like a documents file OR pockets file - the one usually used for keeping bundle of your degrees). Of course the material used in this file is plastic and not metalic. I have npt yet sent the file but planning to do so. Other...