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  1. M

    Thread for applications sent JANUARY 2010

    Sent ours January 30th!!! Got it returned for not having medical :/ now going to resubmit. Good luck to everyone!!!!!
  2. M

    Yet another road block!

    First of all THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was extremely helpful!!!! Secondly we had included everything in the initial application explaining the whole situation with the US appeals, and included everything about our relationship prior to our marriage. When we...
  3. M

    Yet another road block!

    We submitted our application for PR on January 30th, they received it on February 11th. I forgot to include my medical exam in the application, they sent the whole kit back on April 15th. Now the problem is, I am in the United States under appeals since I was a minor. Now married and wanting to...
  4. M

    Sudden Death!

    I have recently applied for a TRV from Los Angeles, and awaiting a reply. I feel that the decision has already been made and a parcel is due any moment this week or the next. My husband aunt just passed away thanksgiving day(U.S.) and the whole family is getting together in Toronto this coming...
  5. M

    TRV : Response from Canadian Embassy

    I wish that worked for me. I dont think it will. It still doesnt guarantee you to re-enter. I mean if Canada will approve that then thats fine, but its costly.
  6. M

    TRV : Response from Canadian Embassy

    Hello everyone, I am applying from within the United States, and I dont have status here, due to an appeals process. I am applying to go visit my husband in Canada, as a visitor. The Canadian embassy in LA has sent me an email after receiving my application, and are asking me to provide proof of...
  7. M

    In need of dire help...

    That would be perfect, but applying for a visa for canada, while my status in US is in the air, sitting in the appeals court. My main focus is to get there, but I dont know what to do, because this way if I am waiting I could file the permanent and not waste time. I absolutely am stuck in a rut...
  8. M

    In need of dire help...

    I am trying to make my temporary visa application fault proof, trying to do everything I can to make sure they say yes. Now I am thinking is it better to send it in at the same time as the permanent application OR send them simiultaneously??
  9. M

    In need of dire help...

    now lets say I apply from Quebec, but my husband wants to move closer to his work, which is in Ontario, Quebec has its own regulations and paperwork for immigration. Will I be allowed to move anywhere in Canada, after applying for permanent residence in Quebec?
  10. M

    In need of dire help...

    We are married, and the U.S did not deny my appeal, nor have they replied in a yes, I have been through court hearings etc. and still no response. What if I provide proof of all that?
  11. M

    In need of dire help...

    I am a citizen of pakistan, currently waiting appeal response in the United States, lived here for 10 yrs and have my life on hold school/work etc. I decided to get married to the one I love, and he is a Canadian citizen, now I have no current status in the United States, with that said, I am...