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  1. L

    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    Thanks Optimist and Someone Somewhere All the very best to you for the further proceedings.... Liony
  2. L

    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    Dear Someone Somewhere, Salams, i am a silent reader of the threads and postings and Alhamdolillah received my pass ports and COPRs back today morning. My question is that did you receive any other landing document other than the two COPRs (1 as the CIC copy and the other as...
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    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    Dear Markon, Salams, i am a silent reader of the threads and postings and Alhamdolillah received my pass ports and COPRs back today morning. My question is that did you receive any other landing document other than the two COPRs (1 as the CIC sopy and the other as Client copy)...
  4. L

    My Vancouver Landing Experience - Shocking

    You have every reason to my dear, i believe that humanity, ethics and positive frame of mind is the real Mortality, i am sure the experience will always remain in the pleasant compartment of your brain cells and you will never stop sharing it to all who concern you, right??? Liony
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    My Vancouver Landing Experience - Shocking

    Cyma made my task of sharing easier, that was exactly that first clicked my mind as for the word "Shocking" i had thought that the contents of your landing experience would be nothing but sheer pessimism, but it was exactly the other way around, thanks for the encouragement and enabling us all...
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    survival arrival

    Nice work dear..... May Allah reward you with countless blessings for having becoming a source of true helpfulness and guidance....
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    Pakistani Applicants waiting for PPR (Stage 1 or 2 letters) from CHC London

    Liony/ 25th April 2012/ 3rd of May 2012/ waiting/waiting/ Toronto/ 20th November 12/ col (b)
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    Got Decision on 25 May

    If you have had the Medicals and RPRF earlier than that is a good news but if you are yet to undergo them both then i am afraid things are not good..... All the best
  9. L

    Decision Made

    Did they ask you for the Medicals or Police Certificates as yet? If not, then its something to be worried about, if yes then its a routine thing... Do ask your consultant if you have one and if you don't have any, then do post an enquiry to the CIC UK.... Good Luck.... :)