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  1. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    Hi All, Hope 2013 started on a good note for all the members. I noticed that they have put on CPP-Ottawa as an office on the site and show a timeline of 11 months for it. As it has been 7-8 months for most of us, I guess it'll take some more months for the passport request. @ Sohail: How was...
  2. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    That was smart Sonic. Btw, I found the updated timelines for PR processing by CPP-Ottawa on the new CIC website: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/perm/provincial.asp It says 11 months for 80% of cases in last 1 year and I hope them to go down going forward. I means another 3-4...
  3. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    Sohail, Do not worry about the slight delay as it's all for the good. You can now make that trip back home peacefully and so can I. A ppr now could have really screwed things up. Guess you have started packing already. :) Best/G
  4. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    Hi Folks, We close another month today. Any updates? Any mails from CIC/CPP? Best/G
  5. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    No updates. I don't even track it now as it will take a while.
  6. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    Hi Sonic, Many congrats for getting final PR. Just one question, why did you choose to cross the border when you could go to the nearest CIC/CIO office for the same? Just curious. :)
  7. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    Hi Sohail, I don't think we need to inform CIC for traveling abroad for few weeks as it is not a change of status like marriage, unemployed, etc. So, take it easy and have a super trip back home. :)
  8. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    Wow..this new option sounds real good as you don't have to leave Canada and then re-enter. This must be new as a friend of mine got his PR in October and still had to go to US and come back. Hope they improve other processes as well.
  9. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    Yayy..Congrats Sonic.. :D :D I bet you must be partying hard tonite! So how long did it take exactly to get your passports back? And what have they put in it..a stamp? Keep us posted on your border crossing experience as well. It must have been a long journey. You made it bro !! Cheers!!
  10. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    Sorry to hear about that Huh. It depends upon the category of your nomination. If it's under Masters-Student category, they don't really care about your job status. If it's under employment stream, it may affect your application. Nevertheless, you will need to report it to CIC as it's...
  11. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    This is good news Sohail as the process has advanced for you at least. More good news is that your trip will not be in danger now as this process will take some time and you can peacefully complete your trip. Just ask your doc to be careful now and discuss any doubts with you before sending...
  12. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    I too received similar mail. However, I got it at 10.41 pm, which is odd. It means they have put up some kind of auto-response system without looking at any case timeline. It doesn't mean everyone will take that long. My guess is 8-10 months maximum. :-\
  13. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    Hi Sohail, I have some news for you. A friend told me that they give around 60 days time to send the passport as per PPR. Please confirm it with Sonic or others who have got it. Now, if the PPR comes around mid-November, you'll have time around mid-January to send your passport. I guess you...
  14. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    Lol..mine is on 15th. The thing is I can never be sure while sending passports that they will come back in time before my trip. The only way to come around it is to get it personally from Detroit, and I need to renew my US visa for that, which is another trouble!! Hmmppppfffff.. P.S. This is...
  15. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    Oh yes..I missed it..well, you are really into it, ain't you? I am into it coz I have to make a trip back home in Dec and I don't it want PPR at a bad time as would have to send passports then!
  16. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    Sohail..don't be disappointed..Sonic's e-cas didn't even change and he still got PPR. As I said before, it's just a lottery and everyone will win sooner or later! Cheers
  17. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    From the posts it is clear that there's no pattern or consistency in timeline of PPR. Some folks have got it after 4-5 months of applying and I know some have got it after 11 months of applying under same category. E-cas is also never updated on time and you may get the PPR even without e-cas...
  18. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    I check it every hour on both my blackberry and laptop. Won't miss it at any cost and will update here when I get it. Have a good and peaceful night now. :)
  19. gary0210

    Tracking PNP May/June 2012 applications to Nova Scotia

    Hi Sonic, I agree sending passport to Windsor is the best option as you are quite far away. I am hopeful to get the mail anytime now as my application was received on May 7th and medicals were done in july. I'll stop checking that stupid e-cas now as they hardly update it! You can relax now...