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Search results

  1. cicconfused

    prepaid waybill for ARC

    Hi all! We just received the request for the ARC for my husband. They are requesting a letter (no problem), payment (no problem) and a prepaid waybill (what for??). That's my question...what is the prepaid waybill for? What are they going to send us? There is no passport request...
  2. cicconfused

    Mexico is requesting more documents - confused to which ones...

    Hello, Super frustrated here!!! We just received a request for more documents. This is what it says: REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: IRB Decision | Please provide the IRB reasons for decision and order (full document) Obviously they want to IRB decision (which I already included in our application...
  3. cicconfused

    Mistake on Schedule A Background Declaration

    We just got a request to redo our Schedule A from the time my husband was 18 (instead of just the last 10 years). When we were redoing the form, we realized we didn't include in the education section a short period of time when my husband was in a different post-secondary institute when he was...
  4. cicconfused

    How many pages in Submissions?

    Hi all! I am an avid reader of this forum...I have gotten excellent advice! Thanks! So, I just got married and am preparing the application to submit for spousal sponsorship. It will be going through Mexico. I am writing up my submissions in a Word document...detailing the development of our...
  5. cicconfused

    Chances for FSWP with ARC?

    Wanting to put in application for federal skilled worker when it opens in May. Will have enough points to qualify. But really, really worried about the ARC. Application will be through Mexico. I am trying to find our people's recent experience with applying for Authorization to return to Canada...
  6. cicconfused

    ARCs being refused for skilled workers????

    I am trying to find our people's recent experience with applying for Authorization to return to Canada (ARC). I heard the visa offices are refusing them more and more. Is this true????? Does anyone have an opinion on the success in this scenario being granted an ARC: - Failed refugee claim...
  7. cicconfused

    Conjugal Application and then Married

    I am pulling my hair out trying to decide best course of action. Any help would be appreciated! Backgroud: Fiancee refused refugee June 2011. Leave for JR refused October 2011. No PRRA notification yet... We are not married yet. Waiting for my divorce to be final. We aren't living together...