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  1. A

    Computer Science Graduate - UK

    Hi guys, after some research I've found that IEC visa is not applicable to me, i've been a UK resident for over 10 years, but I got my British Passport around 6 months ago, which makes me ineligible for the IEC visa. I'm a little confused with AEO and LMO I'm planning to go to canada in...
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    Recent Computer Science Graduate - UK

    Hi Scylla, First thanks for the prompt reply. I have already checked the bunac scheme and I am eligible, but I'm not sure what move to make. Weather to go to Canada on the bunac scheme, or to wait work another year and then apply for a work permit. I'm wondering weather or not the bunac...
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    Recent Computer Science Graduate - UK

    Hi guys, just trying to find out where I stand, and what my chances are. I've been applying for jobs since the 13th of June without any reply from any agencies/employers. I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong, I'm sending my CV (UK CV) to employers but not getting any feedback negative or...
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    Computer Science Graduate - UK

    Cappuccino - I'm looking at provincial nomination and I can't find anything that says that LMO is not required for British Columbia? Thanks Arjun
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    Computer Science Graduate - UK

    Thanks for the help guys, going to start looking at this seriously. Will start making job applications and then apply for this visa. Thanks Arjun
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    Computer Science Graduate - UK

    Hi Anum, I'm having difficulty finding this. Please could you point me to some more information? Also guys, thank you very much for the replies. Seems its going to be exceptionally hard for me to make it, due to not having enough experience, I don't think a company is going to employ me...
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    Computer Science Graduate - UK

    Hi guys, I'm going to keep it short, as i'm sure lots people ask similar questions. I'm a british citizen, looking to immigrate to Canada (Vancouver) Graduated this year - Computer Science. 4 year degree with 1 year work experience. Work Experience - Telecoms test and measurement software...