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  1. Joolschweetie

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Oh my gosh!!!! Just got home from a lovely holiday on the Isle of Skye to find an even lovelier letter on our doorstep from CHC...and on Victoria Day too! PPR baby, yeh!!!!!! So excited, I couldn't believe it - the only time I'e not had access to Ecas for 5 days (OMG it damn near killed me...
  2. Joolschweetie

    FEBRUARY 2011 applicants here!!

    Congrats to you all - there seems to be a few PPRs this week! Yay We actually just got home from a lovely holiday on the Isle of Skye to find an even lovelier letter on our doorstep from CHC...and on Victoria Day too! PPR baby, yeh!!!!!! So excited, I couldn't believe it - the only time I'e...
  3. Joolschweetie

    FEBRUARY 2011 applicants here!!

    So excited for you - I love to see that London is moving a bit! We're only a few days behind you so I hope logic dictates that it won't be too much longer for us either...(but we all know, logic has no place in this process!) You'll be fine - but how mean to tell you they've made a decision but...
  4. Joolschweetie

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Woohoo - huge congrats to you!! :D It must be the most amazing feeling! Good luck starting your new life together and thanks for the good wishes to all of us waiting - I hope we all hear soon. Especially can't wait to see the back of the godawful online torture that is Ecas! ;)
  5. Joolschweetie

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Congrats Shykitten, amazing news! I'm so happy that things are moving again at the London office... It's so hard to not to let this process bring you down - we're lucky to be together, but the waiting is so hard. Since the file arrived in London in March, not a peep - I guess that's normal but...
  6. Joolschweetie

    FEBRUARY 2011 applicants here!!

    Hi guys, First of all congrats on the PPRs to those who have them! My goodness I am really wanting London to hurry it up now!!! Ok so not a huge issue but an issue nonetheless, just wanted to ask... Because the waiting was driving me nuts, I checked our copy of the application just to see...
  7. Joolschweetie

    FEBRUARY 2011 applicants here!!

    I may be wrong on this, but as far as I'm aware the visa expiry date is a year from the date you had your medicals done and not a fixed 6 months. This is what I was lead to believe at least... However you don't necessarily have to stay in Canada when you first arrive, you can just get to the...
  8. Joolschweetie

    FEBRUARY 2011 applicants here!!

    Hi all, My first post on this forum - congrats to all of you who already have PPR, lucky ppl! ;) It's great to see that some visa offices are really ploughing through the apps (New Delhi partic), all I need now is for London to do the same - but somehow with all the bank holidays we've had...