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    Seneca Fall 2022 intake?

    is anyone here still waiting for their visa for fall september 2022 intake? my friend still hasnt gotten her visa, but her classes have started. she is considering to do online courses, i am wondering if anyone is on the same boat? the college is taking long to respond to her emails and...
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    PGWP Question

    Thank you for the response!! I was so stressed because everyone seemed to have received the letter.
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    PGWP Question

    I applied for PGWP today but I didn't receive any letter that says I can start working. Am I allowed to work??
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    Need your help

    Years ago, visitor visa was refused and applied through an agent. The agent didn't give us the reasons... Now I am concerned. If for future applications, do they need to know the reason why it was rejected? Or is it just okay to just state the previous refusals without explanation in the form...
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    Please share your PGWP story

    Hi guys. Is there anyone with complicated cases get their PGWP without writing any LOE? If yes, please share. I am currently going through the same situation and I am worried.
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    urgent: would a repeated co-op affect pgwp?

    so i have 3 co-op in total. i completed 2, and in my last one, my college just dropped work term 3 course. so i have to repeat my previous co-op course. on my transcript , it’ll show co-op work term 2 twice. does anyone know the answer to this? please let me know.
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    Authorized break from college? -PGWP

    My program offers Semester 5 only in the Fall, nothing in the Summer.
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    Authorized break from college? -PGWP

    Was supposed to have co-op in the summer, but couldn't find a new job due to COVID (as my previous employer cancelled it), so I had a break with no studies.
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    Authorized break from college? -PGWP

    Hi guys. I am a bit confused about the authorized break. I see everyone here saying that taking an unauthorized break would be an issue for PGWP. But some say that if it was authorized by the college it'll be fine. So is it a problem or no?? Thank you for your replies!
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    PGWP employment details

    Did you fill in your employment section?
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    PGWP IMM form

    Is it mandatory to include co-op in the employment history?
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    Co-op Inquiry- Help please!

    My program is 3 years with 4 semesters. And 2 co-op work terms. But my employer has extended for 1 more term, which makes it 3 work terms. Is it going to be a problem? Does it make more than 50% of my studies? Studying semester- 4 Work terms- 3 Please help, I am really worried.
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    Please help! Question about 3 weeks co-op

    HI all. In fall 2020, I was supposed to have my 4months co-op, but it didn't work out well due to COVID-19 and us working from home, I went back to study for my Semester 4. I only worked there for 3 weeks before leaving. My co-op work term got deferred to 2021. Although my advisor has changed...