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  1. M

    Spousal sponsorship: Letter of employment

    YVR123, thank you for your message. Honestly, it isn't worth it, I'm burnt out working 12hr days. I didn't know what I could submit in lieu of the employment agreement, but bank deposits and savings would definitely work. I have paystubs from the former employer. I'll have a look on the...
  2. M

    Spousal sponsorship: Letter of employment

    I am employed, except the CEO is a doucheb* and after a month and a half of working for the company, he's questioning my performance (completely unfounded) and has been delaying signing off on the letter. He considers it a bigger formality than it is. So I don't know what to do.. :( Is it...
  3. M

    Spousal sponsorship: Letter of employment

    Thanks so much for responding @YVR123! It's these 2: Supporting Documents Required for sponsor - Part B, 5) Employment/Source of Income requesting submission of "an original letter from (my) current employer stating.." IMM 5532e form [Relationship Information & Sponsorship Evaluation], part A...
  4. M

    Spousal sponsorship: Letter of employment

    Hadn't come across information on this specifically, so I was hoping I could get some insight. Does anyone know whether the IRCC actually calls employers to confirm employment? I had to change jobs in the last 2 months, and I still haven't received the Letter of Employment from my current...
  5. M

    Open Work Permit - Spousal Sponsorship

    Hey @kayvee, what did you end up doing? My fiance is about to go through the same process. I'd really appreciate any insight you could share.