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  1. 4

    COPR and Travel Restrictions

    You won’t be allowed to enter Canada right now if you’re coming to validate your COPR and become a permanent resident, unless you are exempt from the travel restrictions. You are exempt from the current travel restrictions and can come to Canada if you have a valid COPR, and the COPR was...
  2. 4

    COPR and Travel Restrictions

    Nope, if I understand correctly travel restrictions apply we are not exempt from these, and we cannot travel just to become a permenant resident according to the site: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19/immigration-applicants.html#expired If...
  3. 4

    Options for CoPR recieved after March 18 2020

    Here is the latest: Looks like earlier we could contact them through webform but can no longer do that: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/updates/2020-covid-approved-pr-applications.html
  4. 4

    Options for CoPR recieved after March 18 2020

    Hello, I just recieved my CoPR and the temp visa valid till June 2021 The accompanying documents are confusing because one page states I need to travel before June 2021 ( I guess this is a generic page, wording for which hasn't changed) And the other page says that I am not allowed to travel...
  5. 4

    COPR and Travel Restrictions

    I am sailing in the same boat. Recieved my CoPR yesterday, the temp visa (or whatever they call it) is valid till end of June 2021 and I do not want to travel now. Wanted to check, what happens if the temp visa expires and I haven't travelled yet because the instructions are pretty confusing...