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Search results

  1. S

    Looking for non-profit assistance

    Does anyone have any good non-profit immigration assistance contacts? I'm perfectly confident in filing all paperwork, so I'd like to avoid hiring anyone. I'd just like to get some advise about my options, and how best to handle my situation.
  2. S

    Inside/Outside & work permits questions

    I am a US citizen looking to immigrate to Canada to be with my future spouse. He is in Canada (Ontario) and I am in the US. I'm wanting to know what the best and fastest way is for us to be together, and in Canada. To make it more complicated, I will need to get a job ASAP. I’ve read over a...
  3. S

    Looking for basic advise

    I am an American citizen and I have become seriously involved with a Canadian citizen. We have made the serious decision that we would like to be together on a permanent basis and so one of us needs to immigrate. Given the nature of his job (military), I seem like the best candidate for...