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Ray of Hope - 134th Draw


Star Member
Aug 9, 2019
Hi. Do I need to wait for my ielts report form to come by mail. So that I can update my profile?
No, you don't. As long as you still know your IELTS candidate number and test center number, you can figure out your IELTS TRF and update your profile.


Hero Member
Oct 23, 2017
LOL man, ok.
I wont reply you again, but let me summerize a simple point for one last time:
pool size increased by 309 from 12/11 to 12/19, and there was a draw of 3200 happened in between. It means 3500 people entered the pool and 3200 people were DRAWN. Thats why the increase is 300.
And here is the question. How many people within these 3500 have CRS more than 469? please refer to my initial post.

Man, if there are more than 3200 people entering pool with CRS 469+ within every interval, CRS 465 will NEVER get selected regardless of pool size, or 99% people below 465, none of these matters.

But, it’s not necessary that people with 470+ will keep on coming


Star Member
Aug 9, 2019
I started my French lessons already , good experience so far . You can do the same if you score is low . Good luck all and Happy holidays !
And people don't need to speak perfect French to get a few points. To put it into perspective, you only need something equivalent to IELTS overall band 5 to get 12 points from French. I mean, how hard could it be if you study French intensively for a few months?


Hero Member
Apr 13, 2019
But, it’s not necessary that people with 470+ will keep on coming
No buddy. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry is aware of this EE and many r doing tremendous preparation in terms of IELTS, getting the ECA done and all.
Trust me, last month when I got the transcript from my Univ (Chennai, India), my file number was in the 5**** series. In just a month, wen my friend went to get a transcript for him, his file number was in the 59910 series.
I mean, I was damn shocked. In just 1 month and that in one metro city, nearly 9000 applicants have applied.
Plus every now and then in YouTube, there are lots of ads about this EE.
On top of all this, the H1B dudes who have a good life in the US are also planning to cross the border via this program to have a much stable life.
Same is the case with dudes from UK, US, NZ and other developed nations. They simply do not want to settle in those countries but want to flock to CAN in large numbers
So this is gonna increase even further.
Bad times ahead for true aspirants
Will be happy if not


Hero Member
May 8, 2018
No buddy. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry is aware of this EE and many r doing tremendous preparation in terms of IELTS, getting the ECA done and all.
Trust me, last month when I got the transcript from my Univ (Chennai, India), my file number was in the 5**** series. In just a month, wen my friend went to get a transcript for him, his file number was in the 59910 series.
I mean, I was damn shocked. In just 1 month and that in one metro city, nearly 9000 applicants have applied.
Plus every now and then in YouTube, there are lots of ads about this EE.
On top of all this, the H1B dudes who have a good life in the US are also planning to cross the border via this program to have a much stable life.
Same is the case with dudes from UK, US, NZ and other developed nations. They simply do not want to settle in those countries but want to flock to CAN in large numbers
So this is gonna increase even further.
Bad times ahead for true aspirants
Will be happy if not
Just FYI - Ads on youtube or for that matter anywhere on internet is a function of your activity on internet.


Star Member
Jul 9, 2019
You guys really need to make data-driven assumptions instead of blind optimism.
This was the distribution on 12/11 before the draw:
CRS 600+: 715
CRS 451-460: 15917
So after the draw:
CRS 600+: 0
CRS 472-600: ~=0
CRS 451-471: 13432
Here the average density is 671 people per score.
Actually the density of 469-471 should be much lower than 451-471, lets assume it is 500.

Between 12/11 and 12/19, 3234 people has joined the pool, then 3200 people were selected. Cutline was 469.


It means with in 8 days, 3200-3*500 = 1700 people joined the pool with CRS 469+.
And there will be 19 days between 12/19 and 1/8.
1700/8*19 = 4037 people will join the pool with CRS 469+.

So the cutline of 1/8 will be 472 minimum. Period.


Star Member
Nov 27, 2019
And people don't need to speak perfect French to get a few points. To put it into perspective, you only need something equivalent to IELTS overall band 5 to get 12 points from French. I mean, how hard could it be if you study French intensively for a few months?
Can you share your experiences about learning french