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Recent content by Susana Ramírez

  1. S


    Hola, yo mandé un correo a la embajada para preguntar (regresaron mis papeles por correo normal, no procesaron mi certificado, y ahora lo está haciendo un familiar en Mex). Envié un mensaje a IRCC para pedir una extensión, porque no voy a poder entregar el certificado a tiempo. Me respondieron...
  2. S


    Hello, do you know if the Canadian Embassy sends the official letter by email or regular mail? Thanks
  3. S

    Police certificate Mexico - Constancia de Antecedentes Registrales

    Hello, has anyone requested an official letter from the Canadian embassy for the PC? Do they send the official letter by email or regular mail? Thanks
  4. S

    Police certificate Mexico - Constancia de Antecedentes Registrales

    Has anyone had their documents returned to their address (incomplete/mistaken)? I don't know what I could have made wrong, I checked and sent all the required documents. I'm worried the package won't even make it to Canada. Any advise?
  5. S

    Police certificate Mexico - Constancia de Antecedentes Registrales

    I sent an email requesting for confirmation. They replied that my application was mistaken/incomplete and was returned to my address. SR