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Recent content by sidkrose

  1. sidkrose

    "statutory declaration of common law union" paper?

    Definitely optional. It is intended for co-signers ONLY, but many common-law couples use it as additional proof in spousal sponsorship.
  2. sidkrose

    "statutory declaration of common law union" paper?

    While the declaration of common-law union is not necessary for any spousal sponsorship, common-law applicants in the spousal category sometimes fill it out, and get it notarized (or similar) simply because then they have a legal document declaring their relationship. I have heard of many...
  3. sidkrose

    While visiting Canada, received a hugh hospital bill. What to do now...

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure if you can't pay all at once, you can work out some kind of instalment plan (they'd rather get the money slowly than not at all), but you'll have to talk directly to the hospital lawyers I expect.
  4. sidkrose

    Berlin, Europe Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2011

    That is crazy! Almost exactly the same timeline as me actually. Berlin is AWESOME, amiright, or amiright? Haha.
  5. sidkrose

    Berlin, Europe Spouse Sponsorship Timeline 2011

    You can definitely land on weekends! Congrats!!!!!! Yay! :)
  6. sidkrose

    "Letter" about relationship?

    Yes, we didn't include separate "letters" either, though many people do. However, our "development of relationship" answer was very long (over 25 pages, though it included pictures). So I think it is really individual. I think some people simply state the facts in answer to the question and then...
  7. sidkrose

    Canada vs. UK??

    Yes, I didn't say it was crucial. But there are many opportunities in Ontario (especially Ottawa) where speaking French would be an advantage. As for NB and Winnipeg, these are just more bilingual places, where opportunities for French speakers may be numerous. Here in Vancouver, it is hardly an...
  8. sidkrose

    Canada vs. UK??

    Pretty important if you plan to live in Quebec, Ontario or New Brunswick.(useful for Winnipeg). Could be important if you plan to work in the public service sector (for the government, for the city, especially for the federal gov.) If you're planning to move to Vancouver, Mandarin or Cantonese...
  9. sidkrose

    Canada vs. UK??

    Lol this thread is funny :) I've never been to the UK (though I'd love to visit), but I have lived in Europe, and isn't living somewhere really just what you make it? What's important to you? My partner and I decided to live in Canada, even though, school would have been WAY cheaper in Germany...
  10. sidkrose

    I Really need guidence, opinions or experiences about this -Same Sex Sponsorship

    Hey guys, I found this in the OP2 manual, section 5.40: "Same-sex marriages performed outside Canada are not recognized for immigration purposes. However, a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident who married their same-sex partner outside Canada may qualify to sponsor their partner as a...
  11. sidkrose

    same sex marriage should we marry in canada or uk?

    I've looked it up in the OP2 manual here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/op/op02-eng.pdf section 5.40 states: "Same-sex marriages performed outside Canada are not recognized for immigration purposes. However, a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident who married their...
  12. sidkrose

    U.K girl marrying Canadian boy needs advice please...

    Doesn't make a difference. Many people stay in Canada with their spouses during the PR process, whether with visitor status or on some other visa. What matters is that you have legal status in Canada when you're here. It will not make a difference whether you are married first or not.
  13. sidkrose

    Include 401K info and copy of beneficiary form as proof of relationship?

    Yes your evidence seems great! And financial evidence is definitely helpful to show a genuine relationship.
  14. sidkrose

    same sex marriage should we marry in canada or uk?

    So I've looked it up and the UK does not have legal same-sex marriage. You will have to get married in Canada. But yes, you can then go back to the UK, apply for PR to Canada from there, and wait for it to be processed. Check out: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/fc.asp...
  15. sidkrose

    Can I send letters which are scanned substantiating our 1 year relationship?

    Agreed. Personally I would try to get them all original. Stamps are that expensive, mate. :P We included about 8 letters, plus 4 notarized.