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Recent content by niko80

  1. N

    COPR and coronavirus

    possibly yes but you should make sure before leaving.
  2. N

    COPR and coronavirus

    H1b and other visa ban. It is recommended not to leave US if you are on these visas, otherwise may not enter back.
  3. N

    COPR and coronavirus

    huge news about people residing in US. visa issue.
  4. N

    COPR and coronavirus

    https://www.google.com/search?q=copr&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS896US896&sxsrf=ALeKk0196PxGd-7xGabXvYcvQN10SWYtFQ:1589822827316&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwifwILH973pAhXCB80KHZZkDpwQ_AUoAnoECA0QBA&biw=1536&bih=754&dpr=1.25#imgrc=yrjo94Xf6gBMkM it is written medical details, valid to...
  5. N

    COPR and coronavirus

    it is written in your copr, take a look.
  6. N

    COPR and coronavirus

    https://workpermit.com/news/us-possible-work-visa-ban-and-chinese-journalist-restrictions-20200513 for example
  7. N

    COPR and coronavirus

    it is not clear yet if in a near future it can happen.
  8. N

    COPR and coronavirus

    i think only those issued before March 18 can travel.
  9. N

    COPR and coronavirus

    valid visa
  10. N

    COPR and coronavirus

    just returned back to US. it was smooth.
  11. N

    COPR and coronavirus

    Do you know how long it takes to have PR card?
  12. N

    COPR and coronavirus

    that is also my understanding.
  13. N

    COPR and coronavirus

    is SIN important if you will leave Canada soon?
  14. N

    COPR and coronavirus

    may be i misunderstood, bit it tells that file will be reopened, you can reed reopen section
  15. N

    COPR and coronavirus

    yes, but it seems that they will require valid medical exam, police certificate and security check