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Recent content by mkp

  1. M

    Investor Visa

    For doing business in a foreign country it is not just enough to have lots of money. You have to match all the criterion's under their laws of immigration. One more thing that is required is Business experience. Without business experience it will be just mere foolishness to start business in a...
  2. M

    International student buying a condo

    Every country has their own laws regarding the foreign residents. They may include people who have come for job, students who are studying there and different type of people. Some people may stay back and some may leave after a specific time. Buying a land property in a foreign country could be...
  3. M

    CENOMAR question

    The CENOMAR is a question that is being asked at the time of immigration application. It is related to the marital status of the applicant on whether the applicant is having any dependents including children. The marital status is a very important criterion that should be definitely checked...
  4. M

    IELTS score

    IELTS is an exam that is being targeted by most of the students who want to move to any foreign country. For Canada also, if you are moving to do a job there, then you need a good IELTS score. This is a good thing because language will never become a problem for the immigrants. It is a bit...
  5. M


    When it comes to immigration laws, every country is very strict. And now with the current scenario of terrorism, everything has been made tougher. The US in particular is the most stringent in these visa laws. We can’t blame them either since they have been the target of most terrorist attacks...