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Recent content by mimianda

  1. mimianda


    Finally LLAngell ;)
  2. mimianda

    Spousal Sponsorship Interview Questionaires, Experience, Preparations

    Hello good people. I need someone to advice me. On june last year my husband submite the application for me and on august we recived SA and since then we didn't had any news from Vienna office(I am from Kosova) the only info that I had it was from my eCas,and there was the information that...
  3. mimianda


    Hello to everyone 4 days ago I have send an enquiry to the Vienna office and today they reply to me,the answer is; Further processing of your application is pending an interview in Prishtina.The date has not been decidet yet but we will inform you in due course. So I know what this mean but I am...
  4. mimianda


    Congrats Valmiri! I wish you all the best!
  5. mimianda

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Po i ka thirr sot burri disa her po askush nuk po lajmerohet,e perfaqsuesja mi ka dergu te dhanat si UCI dhe Application number po kur une provoj me hy ne eCas me kta numra me del mesazhi qe thot:Ne ket koh nuk mund te ju identifikojm,ndoshta e kemi pranu dosjen tuaj po ende nuk kemi fillu ta...
  6. mimianda

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Jo as une e as burri nuk po mujim me ba login ne eCas,vetem nepermjet perfaqsueses qe po i marrim informatat,as vet nuk po e di ku qendron problemi.
  7. mimianda

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Po evertet osht qe kam pas problem me eCas po ai problem mu ka zgjidh se ajo perfaqsuasja qe e kam ne Kanad e ka zgjidh dhe ma ka dergu me atachment me daten 5 maj ku une per her te par munda ti shoh te dhanat e mija,se edhe une pata fillu mu brengos se mos me ka humb komplet dosja hahaha. E sa...
  8. mimianda

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Po mir Valmiri tash ke fillu me me bind me ju shkru Vjenes hahaha. Po a duhet me ju shkru UCI apo File Number po menoj si te identifikohem,mundesisht udhezom nese je ne ngjarje.
  9. mimianda

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    A keni degju per GCMS notes?
  10. mimianda

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    ehhh njana po me del qe je vendase e burrit e tjetra vendase e jemja hahaha. Valla nashta jam e padrejt veq qe po lexoj ktu ne forum mas shumti probleme po kan shqiptart me Vjen se ata te Malit te Zi,Bosnes e Serbis pa u ba viti po e marrin vizen.
  11. mimianda

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    ehhh une e kam burrin te Ferizajit e vet jam prej Gjakoves,ooo mos keni dert se krejt ushqimet e Kosoves une di mi pregatit e kshtu qe kur te vi e kur ju keni mundsi me ardh mem vizitu ta dini qe me ushqim te Kosoves kam me ju prit hahahha
  12. mimianda

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    Ok bash mir pra se edhe une e kam dert qe kur te vi nuk e njo kerkon kshtu qe sa do ku do mundem me llogarit ne ju,po valla i kam 7 mbesa e dy nipa edhe shumicen e kohes po e kaloj me ta. Nga cili vend ktu ne Kosove jeni ju? Edhe pse mu po me doket qe jam shume ma e vjeter se ju,une jam 40vjeqare.
  13. mimianda

    Kosovo's Spousal Applicants

    hahaha po po mir e ki gjate dimrit pata fillu mu merzit shume se edhe festat e vetem ashtu po kupton po tash qe osht ardh vera po thom hajt se mir osht ta shijoj edhe ni vere ktu hahaha. Ne Peterborogh kam me ardh.