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Recent content by lalaBiH

  1. lalaBiH


    my hubby came almost 2 weeks ago.. they asked a few questions.. simple.. addres in ottawa, what he planned to do here, my name, my job.. easy questions ... let him go very quickly.. he landed in MTL so there was lots of ppl he spend some time waiting for them to call him but otherwise it was...
  2. lalaBiH


    my husband lands on friday!.. Does anyone have experience landing and can share what questiosn they ask once you enetered canada? I want to make sure he can answer the question ( as his english is not so great)... Thanks.
  3. lalaBiH


    oh i guess that makes sense...:):)
  4. lalaBiH


    congratss!! you got the quickest timeline!! VIENNA IS MOVING SOOO FAST these last few weeks! Thats wierd your visa is only valid untill January.. shouldn't it be a year? My husbands email said till Oct 8 2015.. anyways i dont think its important.. also for those of you waiting.. my hubby got a...
  5. lalaBiH


    THANK YOU ALL/ HVALA PUNO!!!! time to find a flight .. thank god its cheap season! lol
  6. lalaBiH


    Dear _____: Your application for permanent residence in Canada has reached the final stage of processing. You must submit your passport(s) to the visa office in Vienna, within 30 days of the date of this letter in order to finalize your application. Please include a copy of this letter...
  7. lalaBiH


    Kopje did you hear anything after the in process change on ecase? .. i think they only extend medicals if nothin else is outstanding i.e police record.. if both are expired then u have to re-do both. Ours expired at the end of July so I'm not suprised they asked for them but its annoying and is...
  8. lalaBiH


    well my bad maybe you guys are right. Maybe its just the fees you can pay later.. i dunno its been a while... i dont think they would return your whole application though.. prob just request it. but ya i wouldnt take the chance either then if its clearly stated...
  9. lalaBiH


  10. lalaBiH


    I don't want to depress you because it has actually taken so long for us and i do belive the processing times will go down this year. The backlog started in 2012 and continued into 2013. It looks like from jan-april this year they did not receive as many applications so that is a good sign. I...
  11. lalaBiH


    That is incorrect. Unless they have changed it since I applied it clearly states that you do not have to submit it upfront and that you may wait for the CIC to contact you to request a copy. I think it does mention that it may cause a delay bla bla bla... but if you have to re-do it anyway your...
  12. lalaBiH


    Good question. They only extend medicals up to 15 months but that is if the medical is the only outstandinf peice of information. In our case the police record was submitted at the same time and thus expired so we have to resubmit both. But in every case the police record will also expire after...
  13. lalaBiH


    Interesting we got our from the locak police stationtoo but now it expired but they said clearly in the email that they just need the same thing just a recent one.. Maybe thata just montenegro.. Ps. U applied may 6 2013? Yes i applied sept 19 and it was in vienna on oct 1.. But then almost a...
  14. lalaBiH


    anyone who has had to re-sent police clearence.. do i justs end it to the address of the office Visa Office Embassy of Canada Laurenzerberg 2 1010 Vienna, Austria or is there specific mailing instruction. the email we got did not say anything.. i dont want it to go to get lost.. help
  15. lalaBiH


    when did they srat processing your application? let us know if you hear anything.