helenaD's latest activity

  • helenaD
    Can you let me know how long after the 600points being added, that you received the actual PNP nomination certificate, and did you...
  • helenaD
    helenaD replied to the thread Primary Noc.
    No - if that's your only experience in a STEM NOC - the 6 months experience must be within past 3 yrs, so would now need to be after...
  • helenaD
    Hi there - 2 quick questions for you! - Do you recall how long after the 600 points were added until you received the actual Nomination...
  • helenaD
    helenaD replied to the thread Primary Noc.
    You can put either one as primary NOC. - , it won't matter. You'll still be eligible for STEM draw - as long as you list more than 6...