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Recent content by Didotto78

  1. D

    IELTS 30th June 2018 - Preparations - Answer Comparison - Result Discussion

    Just got mine this very second Overall band 8 Listening 9 Reading 8.5 Writing 6.5 Speaking 7.5 Bit disappointed about the writing, but am happy as it’s my first attempt:))
  2. D

    IELTS 30th June 2018 - Preparations - Answer Comparison - Result Discussion

    I just checked ( Dubai) and it says results not found..what about you?
  3. D

    IELTS 30th June 2018 - Preparations - Answer Comparison - Result Discussion

    Sorry guys please lift my spirits I answered T/F/NG instead of true false and not given and just read on another thread that it might be marked as wronganyone has previous experience on this on their Ielts test?
  4. D

    i just recognise i made the BIGGEST mistake in reading after one day ...

    Oh noooo!! Hope this is not true as it would mean I failed completely my test
  5. D

    IELTS 30th June Answers - BC Only

    11) most popular radio program? Although I answered music program not language one 12)what most school groups find hard ? Organization skills
  6. D

    IELTS 30th June 2018 - Preparations - Answer Comparison - Result Discussion

    I agree that was tricky.. I opted for technical error but it could easily be interpreted as data can’T be used
  7. D

    IELTS 30th June 2018 - Preparations - Answer Comparison - Result Discussion

    For the Pepper paragraph it stated clearly we could use letters twice though in fact I used it twice for the origins of pepper (India) and for the countries where it is most used if I don
  8. D

    IELTS 30th June 2018 - Preparations - Answer Comparison - Result Discussion

    Did the test mention we could use answers twice? Can not remember for the GP surgery para
  9. D

    IELTS 30th June 2018 - Preparations - Answer Comparison - Result Discussion

    Does anyone remember answers for GP in UK? I was confused by one question in particular : what happens if the surgery you want can not take any more patients ( or registrations)?
  10. D

    IELTS 30th June 2018 - Preparations - Answer Comparison - Result Discussion

    I remember concerns at some point...leaders should discuss and solve any concern arising in the team ( or something along these lines)
  11. D

    IELTS 30th June Answers - BC Only

    I wrote electricity instead of coal
  12. D

    IELTS 30th June 2018 - Preparations - Answer Comparison - Result Discussion

    yes diaries and interviewOr at least that’s what I answered