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Recent content by delga

  1. D

    Ray of Hope - 126th Draw

    Tgis is shocking and i have NEVER expected this rise! It means that average scores now are 460s I am shocked about how things changed rapidly and how average scores skyrocketed suddenly...before may everything was around 440s to 451...and now any drop under 457 will be impossible forever.. I...
  2. D

    Ray of Hope - 125th Draw

    Excellent analysis!.. although I was wondering previously about the reason of the sudden rise in the monthly rate of 451-600 applicants compared to the last 2 years, beside the reason of the drop in the no. of ITAs to 3350 and the delay in rising it to 3900..but we can never find an answer to...
  3. D

    Ray of Hope - 125th Draw

    mmmm...according to the canada.ca website the number of candidates 451-600 is 7,038! :( may i know your source?
  4. D

    Ray of Hope - 125th Draw

    Ok...before being too optimistic, I observed the changes in the pool status over this year on a cellphone app. (EE LYTICS) and noticed a huge rise in the number of applicants (177%) between 451-600 on the round of May 29 after they skipped a draw, The number of candidates was 4624. Before May...
  5. D

    problem about sending multiple certificates to WES

    Dear all, I created my account on WES requesting evaluation on Bachelor degree, masters and PhD. However, I received my PhD from Japan, but masters and bachelor from India. so I sent 2 separate envelopes with my documents, one from India and the other from Japan. The problem that the Indian...