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Recent content by chx

  1. C

    Did the brother rule change?

    But the living relative instead now includes brother or sister
  2. C

    Did the brother rule change?

    So I am remembering this https://web.archive.org/web/20150214054312/http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/relatives-apply-who.asp boneheaded, stupid idiot rule where you couldn't sponsor your brother as long as your parents were alive. A year ago on this forum...
  3. C

    Sponsoring my sister

    How does this make any sense? My parents are above 65 and pretty much refuse to leave because they don't want the upheaval. I'd love to have my brother over here and financially I am quite well off, would not be a problem but also he is working remotely so he could support himself partially...
  4. C

    Sponsor Siblings

    Edit: deleted. I found http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/sponsoring-my-sister-t71118.0.html with all the answers.
  5. C

    Anybody Received RQ and got Oath?

    See my thread at http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/old-applicants-still-can-get-citizenship-with-less-than-1095-days-t401792.0.html I am a 2013 applicant, tested in 2014 May, hearing 2016 Feb, approved 2016 Mar, oath 2016 Apr.
  6. C

    Old applicants still can get citizenship with less than 1095 days

    I did not know in December that the hearing was forthcoming but I'd bet anything the CIC guy who called me did and so he advised me against withdrawing. He merely hinted at "maybe something will happen". There was no "had to wait" just a friendly advice which played out perfectly. I do not...
  7. C

    Old applicants still can get citizenship with less than 1095 days

    You can have two active but they won't process the second one. So you can't get to the test on the second one without withdrawing the first and you do need to retest, the guy from the Nova Scotia office was very clear and firm on this. If that wouldn't been the case I would've sent him the form...
  8. C

    Old applicants still can get citizenship with less than 1095 days

    I read several times on this board that it's futile now and they won't grant exceptions now. That's not so. Every case is different. I was short by 157 days (however 133 of those were for helping out with my baby nephew as a medical necessity) and yet here we are: I am invited to take the oath...
  9. C

    Vancouver Oath Timeline after Test/Interview

    I concur, back in June we didn't get a reply either.
  10. C

    E-cas says Decision Made

    My timeline is: application received March 6, 2013. Processing started May 2, 2013. Test May 7, 2014. Interview with a citizenship judge February 16, 2016. It says "Decision made". CIC contact centre refuses to divulge approval or refusal. When they will talk to me? Next week is 36 months since...
  11. C

    What happens if get interview call

    There are a ton of practice tests online, those help. Do not fret much over precise years, this test is not one where they ask whether a thing happened, in 1980,1981,1982,1983 much rather it'll be like 1647,1823, 1959, 1982. That's my limited experience as someone who passed with 19/20. I suck...
  12. C

    What documents should I bring to a citizenship hearing

    So today was the hearing. The dreaded travel documentation didn't come up, that's for the CIC office to verify and in my case it was so I didn't need that (phew!) -- I didn't reprint the, I dunno, hundred or more pages documenting my travels. Rather the judge wanted to know how could we justify...
  13. C

    What documents should I bring to a citizenship hearing

    I have almost nothing on paper. OK, I have Notices of Assesments and the mortgage/title of my apartment but every utility bill, travel document, bank record is electronic. How is that original if I print it...? And anyways, isn't this pointless? How does any of this prove I was resident? Not...
  14. C

    What documents should I bring to a citizenship hearing

    Application was 2013 March 6, test was 2014 May 7, citizenship judge hearing is 2016 February 16.
  15. C

    What documents should I bring to a citizenship hearing

    I have a citizenship application ongoing since 2013 (old rules) and I have my hearing on Tuesday. The notice says "all your original documents that support your citizenship application (as listen in the document checklist in the citizenship application form)" but that form now is for the new...