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Recent content by Bug3005

  1. B

    Information on medical examination and flagpoling

    Thanks so much you’ve been a great help
  2. B

    Sharing Flagpoling Experience for Co-op Work Permit

    can you flagpole if you have filled out an online application? I am wondering whether to flagpole to get a new work permit. I haven’t filled out an online application yet but wondered whether I could fill out the online application now just incase flagpoling doesn’t work?
  3. B

    Information on medical examination and flagpoling

    Okay last question (I hope). Now I have done my medicals and have a UMI number I don’t have to do anything online. I just have to wait 3 or so weeks before going to the border and all being well they should be able to process my new work permit there? If I did start an online application aswell...
  4. B

    Information on medical examination and flagpoling

    Sorry I know I keep asking similar questions but I’m still not quite getting it. The doctor said today that in order for my emedical results to be seen by immigration then I need to make an account using the umi number on my medical info sheet. I can’t find a way of just creating a profile...
  5. B

    Information on medical examination and flagpoling

    Okay thanks- but do you know if I need to do an online application anyway even if I am planning on flagpoling?
  6. B

    Information on medical examination and flagpoling

    Thanks Canuck uk. I have had my medicals today and the doctor says that the results will be online by Friday. The doctor seemed to think that I still need to do an online application in order for the border to see my medical results. Do you know if that’s correct? He said he wasn’t 100% sure. I...
  7. B

    Information on medical examination and flagpoling

    And I know everybody has different circumstances but would you say flagpoling is a quicker way than doing the application online? thanks
  8. B

    Information on medical examination and flagpoling

    Okay thanks- but how will I know it is done within the few weeks? It’s a long trip to go and then get denied. I’m just on a bit of a time restraint as I have been offered a job without realising these restrictions. Thanks
  9. B

    Information on medical examination and flagpoling

    Unsure if it’s clear in my previous post- I want to take off the condition as I am trained in teaching
  10. B

    Information on medical examination and flagpoling

    Hello everyone, I have an open work permit with the condition that I can’t work with children or in healthcare. My question is- I have booked my medical with a panel physician and they said they upload the results onto the cic page. I want to speed up the process so I am hoping to flag pole at...