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Recent content by Avmaia

  1. A

    PPR asking for complete address

    I just received PPR as FSW-O and it says: STEP 3: PREPARE YOUR DOCUMENTS FOR SUBMISSION You must submit together: 1. One copy of this letter. 2. ORIGINAL VALID PASSPORT, as explained in Step 2. 3. Two (2) photos of yourself and each accompanying family member respecting precise specifications...
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    >>>>>>>>June 2019 AOR<<<<<<<Join here

    @legalfalcon Can you please add me the June 2019 AOR WhatsApp chat group ? I also received AOR at 20th June
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    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Se a carta ja tiver tudo que pede no site, nao preisa de contra-cheque. Eles sao caso voce nao tenha a carta e tenha que comprovar que trabalhou no lugar pelo periodo. O que voce precisa é comprovar que trabalhou no lugar pelo periodo de tempo. Se voce tiver a carta ela ja serve para comprovar...
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    Ray of Hope - 119th Draw

    Probably between 9am and 7pm UTC.
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    Ray of Hope - 119th Draw

    While you are waiting to hope the scores go down, other people are working on improving their scores. As a matter of fact, I and others posted here asking to update their scores. Some people are not idling waiting. Whoever is just waiting for it to go down is just wasting their precious time...
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    Ray of Hope - 119th Draw

    Good job! Dont rely and hope and draw numbers going down, improve yourself and increase your score!
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    Ray of Hope - 119th Draw

    Dont forget that 450pt candidates is accumulating ever since Nov/2018. Last draw at 450 had tie breaking rule at that date, so everyone with 450 before that should have received and ITA. I know some draws earlier this year invite people with less than 450, so might not be that many. But scores...
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    Ray of Hope - 119th Draw

    By all means, everyone is free to just wait the points go down and hope cic increase draw size and frequency. I hope you all get an ITA soon, but if worst come to happen you will regret not looking for more points earlier and relying on all these predictions and hope that the score will go down...
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    Ray of Hope - 119th Draw

    Hey I'm sorry to hear that I sound condescending, I didnt really mean that. I didnt tell anyone to give up, quite the opposite. I want everyone here to succeed and this forum helped me a lot in what to do to get points. I want to continue that help people succeed. Im not dissuading anyone to...
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    Ray of Hope - 119th Draw

    I previously didnt have clb 9 for english, took ielts again, asked for a remark and managed to get clb 9 on writing. But im 28, single, a masters, 2 years work exp ielts and tef. Being single, having a masters degree, clb 9 in english and 3 years of work experience gives 480 points, even...
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    Ray of Hope - 119th Draw

    If you are going the french route, better an year from now than an year from later this year if the scores dont drop. Also, I believe french in canada helps you land a job since it enables to do business with companies from quebec. The other option is to give up... I just people to notice that...
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    Ray of Hope - 119th Draw

    Update my profile to 495. Was previously 450. To anyone hoping for b2b draw or bigger draws so the score go lower I recommend stop relying on it and go search for a way to increase your points. I believe that predictions the score will go down later this year is just making many people rely on...
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    Ray of Hope - 119th Draw

    From my little understanding, the target is for immigration, ITAs are just invitations. They probably issued more ITAs because some were declined/ineligible/fake or whatever. So as long as every ITA is accepted and ok, they will probably not go over the target. Since we don't know statistics...
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    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Vlw, ja ajuda. To na espera do ITA aqui torcendo pra ser rapido pq meu profile é simples e ja tenho os vistos. O ideal seria alguem numa situacao igual ou parecida me falar qto tempo levou, mas nem sei se tem alguem aqui nessa tbm :/
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    Ray of Hope - 119th Draw

    Maybe not in toronti, but there are other cities in the province