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Writing a letter for a visitor's visa


Sep 21, 2018
Hi all,

I'd really like for my boyfriend (25) from Zimbabwe to visit me for a month! I've been to visit him 3 times now and I think it would be nice for him to see an actual cold winter as well as meet my family. I understand that it might make the process easier to include an invitation letter however, I'm unsure if it would be better if I wrote it (because I'm 20) or if one of my parents did. I am currently a student, and work part-time but am still living at home.

Even though there are some major issues with cash going on in Zim, he works at a stable family business so he is able to pay for airfare and have lots of money to spend while here. Not sure if this is important but I'm probably going to have to pay for his airfare until he gets here to pay me back as I can find prices a lot cheaper online but due to the current economic state he is unable to use card online (and outside the country). He will be staying at my parent's house so accommodation and food should be all paid for (except for when we go out).

He's also played cricket for Zimbabwe and has traveled quite a bit because of it. He's been to both the UK and Australia multiple times.


VIP Member
Sep 8, 2014
I'd really like for my boyfriend (25) from Zimbabwe to visit me for a month! I've been to visit him 3 times now and I think it would be nice for him to see an actual cold winter as well as meet my family. I understand that it might make the process easier to include an invitation letter however, I'm unsure if it would be better if I wrote it (because I'm 20) or if one of my parents did. I am currently a student, and work part-time but am still living at home.

Even though there are some major issues with cash going on in Zim, he works at a stable family business so he is able to pay for airfare and have lots of money to spend while here. Not sure if this is important but I'm probably going to have to pay for his airfare until he gets here to pay me back as I can find prices a lot cheaper online but due to the current economic state he is unable to use card online (and outside the country). He will be staying at my parent's house so accommodation and food should be all paid for (except for when we go out).

He's also played cricket for Zimbabwe and has traveled quite a bit because of it. He's been to both the UK and Australia multiple times.
The invitation letter is just a supplementary document. What you offer by way of providing accommodation, etc cannot be held against you later. That said, declaring your relationship could be detrimental to his TRV approval.

Your finances/employment are irrelevant.

Your boyfriend needs to prove he has a genuine reason to visit for a couple of weeks + good financial situation (must be verifiable, legit, not cash, taxes paid, not borrowed) + strong ties to return to Zimbabwe (employment, property ownership or a lease, family if they depend on him, previous travel, etc)