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Soon to expire IEC - Inland sponsorship - implied status??


Full Member
May 11, 2017
So my husband has continued on working on implied status since his IEC OWP expired. We applied for the new permit before his IEC expired.
It seems to be a contentious issue but this is what I've learned. When submitting we called CIC and got a verbal and an email on implied status. From what I understood on my own at this point was that my husband's IEC OWP could receive implied status.
My understanding of this, even though many sources and even the IEC itself seems to state differently, is that the IEC is a method of getting an OWP, not the OWP itself. IEC has certain conditions of what jobs you can and can't do. You cannot extend an IEC because IEC has certain rules that make it so you cannot reapply. The work permit itself does have the possibility to receive implied status if applying for the Spousal OWP because you are not extending your IEC you applying through a new route. No longer IEC.

After figuring this out. Reading CIC website, rereading the email sent to us, I concluded there was enough solid evidence to support that officially an IEC can receive implied status if applying through a different program (ie: Spousal Sponsorship OWP program). So my husband continued working.

This is what confirmed to me (after my husband had been working on implied status for a week already) that IEC receives implied status:
A relative is currently completing their Immigration Consultant course and studying for their exams. They too were very confused by the IEC/Implied Status(or not) thing so they talked to me about it and what I thought. We went through a few pages in that section and found the answer (according to a unniversity immigration consulting course book).
IEC cannot recieve implied status unless the the applicant:
-is applying under the spousal sponsorship program
-has in status IEC when the application is sent
-continues to work under the same conditions as the IEC permit

If immigration consultants are learning this stuff, CIC is saying it, than I think its pretty clear that IEC can receive implied status.

For added precaution though, we have the email that the CIC agent sent, the agent's name/ID number and the time and date we called her.

Hopefully this helps someone out!
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Star Member
Mar 17, 2017
So my husband has continued on working on implied status since his IEC OWP expired. We applied for the new permit before his IEC expired.
It seems to be a contentious issue but this is what I've learned. When submitting we called CIC and got a verbal and an email on implied status. From what I understood on my own at this point was that my husband's IEC OWP could receive implied status.
My understanding of this, even though many sources and even the IEC itself seems to state differently, is that the IEC is a method of getting an OWP, not the OWP itself. IEC has certain conditions of what jobs you can and can't do. You cannot extend an IEC because IEC has certain rules that make it so you cannot reapply. The work permit itself does have the possibility to receive implied status if applying for the Spousal OWP because you are not extending your IEC you applying through a new route. No longer IEC.

After figuring this out. Reading CIC website, rereading the email sent to us, I concluded there was enough solid evidence to support that officially an IEC can receive implied status if applying through a different program (ie: Spousal Sponsorship OWP program). So my husband continued working.

This is what confirmed to me (after my husband had been working on implied status for a week already) that IEC receives implied status:
A relative is currently completing their Immigration Consultant course and studying for their exams. They too were very confused by the IEC/Implied Status(or not) thing so they talked to me about it and what I thought. We went through a few pages in that section and found the answer (according to a unniversity immigration consulting course book).
IEC cannot recieve implied status unless the the applicant:
-is applying under the spousal sponsorship program
-has in status IEC when the application is sent
-continues to work under the same conditions as the IEC permit

If immigration consultants are learning this stuff, CIC is saying it, than I think its pretty clear that IEC can receive implied status.

For added precaution though, we have the email that the CIC agent sent, the agent's name/ID number and the time and date we called her.

Hopefully this helps someone out!
Thank you for your reply. That is exactly my thought. And also all the pages I found on CIC website (I posted in comment above before) state that you can keep working as long as it is the same kind like work permit to work permit, and the person stays in Canada. And there seems to be no exceptions stated. So I believe that IEC holders could continue working if they applied for another type of workpermit before IEC workpermit expired.


Star Member
Mar 17, 2017
We've had two cases on this forum where individuals who continued working during the implied status period were "caught" by CIC and CIC specifically they were working illegally. In both cases this created problems for PR applications (one was denied landing even after being issued a PR visa). Unfortunately we don't know what happened to them. They never came back to tell us.

There is a letter someone received a while back directly from CIC that confirms you cannot continue working after an IEC expires. It's posted online somewhere and I'll try to find it later. It's from a while back - but the rules between now and then haven't changed.

The short answer is that most people aren't caught by CIC (or CIC knows and doesn't care). So most people get away with working illegally after their IEC expires. Those that are caught end up having pretty big problems. CIC should make the rule clearer on the site. Not sure why they don't do this. That part I think we can all agree on.

Thank you for your reply!
Yes if you could give me the details of those two cases, that might help me learn more about this issue. The part I don't understand is that, there is nowhere that says I cannot keep working. I read CIC page and law and everything and there is nowhere that says I can't. People might be misunderstanding because of IEC itself not being able to be extended but other than that, I feel like just 2 cases are not enough for me to satisfy that it is illegal to work. I would love to see the page that clearly states I cannot keep working.

Anyways... I do agree that they should make it clearer on CIC page....