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Some questions about being skilled worker to go canada(or alternative way)


Aug 31, 2015
Hey guys, I read lots of topic in ths wonderful site.But I still have some questions.I studyng information system tech engineering.I will graduate ths june and of course I want to live in canada.Its my dream :) My 2 uncles living in canada with families.They are citizen.I researched which way the best solution to come there.I found 2 options one is fast track certificate programs in polytechnic colleges.Some programs have a 91% employment rate.(Is this only for canadians right?)When programme will finish, I thnk I have to go back, also tuition fees are expensive :( if I have got any chance with ths programme ı want to try it.:) and other my option is FSW, I investigated these terms.

your skills in English and/or French (Canada's two official languages), --->English overall 6-6.5
your education, --->engineering / university
your work experience, ---->Im still student but recently I have got 1 year experience in my field
your age, --->24
whether you have a valid job offer,
your adaptability

my main problems are the last two, I still searchng on canadian job sites.But I cant see any detail about newcomers or want to come options.Where should I search the jobs and the last one is, what is adaptability part?

Please compare my two situations study or fsw ways and fsw last 2 criterias
TY, guys :)