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Practice Essay, evaluate and give feedback


Full Member
Jun 4, 2015
Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

It is said that change is the only constant thing in life. However, there are people who refuse to alter their lives in anyway while others welcome amendment and choose to live differently as they used to. I believe that the more you change the more you can enjoy your life. Let us discuss as to why change may be a better option in life.

There is no harm in living the life within your comfort zone that is the reason why most people stay away from different lifestyle all their lives. As much as they may enjoy the ease that their existing way of living offers, there may come a point where they become tired of it. Routine does not bring excitement and the monotony leads to boredom; hence one may end up feeling dull about their overall existence.

On the other hand people who welcome new opportunities live life to the fullest. It may require a lot of courage to give up your current lifestyle but once you do it you may explore a whole new world of learning and improvement. For example, a family who used to live in the suburbs decided to move to town nearby to explore new prospects of life. It was a tough decision for them against the will of their other close family who advised strongly against shunning their ancestral ways. The step scared them but they made it anyway and now they rejoice everyday exploring new economical improvements that have elevated their standard of living. The family has blended in socially with the nearby population enabling their children to learn more sophisticated etiquettes to move within the society.

It can be concluded that change may seems difficult but ease does not open up any new doors. The more welcoming you are to new things, the more you learn and evolve in life. One should grab the opportunities in life, after all what’s a life without a little adventure.