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PNP- Ontario, Professional experience Vs degree


Dec 9, 2009
Hello everybody,
I would like to know if it's mandatory to have the same degree as the professional experience a person have in order to apply for a job under PNP in Ontario? e.g., if a person has a bachelor of commerce degree but he has 15-20 years experience as optician.

Thanks in advance.


Aug 12, 2009

As far as I know, an Optician has to undertake 2 years of training post secondary/higher secondary from an accredited college of opthalmic dispensing only then he can practice as an Optician. I understand that in countries like India, hardly 5% optical products dealers are qualified Optician and the rest of all are unqualified, but it is not so in other countries like US, Canada, Australia etc. There, only a qualified optician can deal in eyeware products.

So in your case, no matter you are a graduate or undergraduate, if you do not possess qualification as an Optician, then your experience will not be taken into consideration and your file will be rejected given the same reason. Moreover, if you are applying for Ontario, then you need to apply under Federal Skill Worker Program with Arranged Employment. But again, no Optometrist/Optical products dealer would provide you a job offer since you do not possess relevant qualification. Yes, if you prove your experience in Admin/account with Optical product dealer (where you are working), then you can apply under Arranged Employment coz then your experience will be relevant to your education .i..e.. B.Com.

I hope I am correct. But still, plz get advice from an expert consultant.