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Misspelled name on LMO- a problem?


Full Member
Oct 17, 2012
I have an approved LMO with my name and a job contract, I am planning to go to the US border tomorrow and apply for a work permit.
I just noticed now that they misspelled my last name, my last name is 2 words and they wrote it as if it was one word, basically. My name on the job contract is correct, and of course, I have my passport with me. I gave my employer a copy of my passport so I'm guessing he sent it to the labor, which means they should have my details anyway. The question is, will it be a problem now when I go to apply? Can they send me back to Canada and tell me to fix this and then go back to the border?
Please answer quickly cause I am planning to go to the border in less than 12 hours.
