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How can I leave Canada legally


Jan 19, 2016
Hello everyone,
On March 2, I withdrew my refugee claim. I got the confirmation letter of the withdrawal from the refugee board on March 8. However I still haven't received anything from cbsa and I need to leave by April 2 in order for my departure order not to turn into a deportation order. Because my passport was expired I already went ahead and asked for a travel document from my country, which they will give to me tomorrow. Also, I already reserved my flight for March 29. But can I get on that plane without hearing anything from cbsa? Please help I really do not want to be deported.


Star Member
Jan 3, 2015
Why don't you contact them rather than posting here? Also, you mentioned you need to leave before April 2nd and you are doing that by departing on March 29th. I don't see any issue in that and don't see why they would try to force you leave before your flight date. Wish you best of luck.


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

LoveCanada10 said:
Why don't you contact them rather than posting here? Also, you mentioned you need to leave before April 2nd and you are doing that by departing on March 29th. I don't see any issue in that and don't see why they would try to force you leave before your flight date. Wish you best of luck.
1. The OP should report to CBSA at the airport to confirm his departure.


Jan 19, 2016
i faxed my flight reservations with the valid travel documents and the letter of withdrawal to cbsa and they told me to come to their office. There, the lady told me several things:
-that my flight was not valid because it transited through turkey, and my flight cannot transit through there (neither in the us, U.K., France, Italy, Switzerland). She also told me all the restrictions that I had to take into account before reserving a flight (it has to be one way, cannot be on a chartered plane, cannot transit in more than 2 EU countries, cannot be a plane operated by two airlines etc)
-I had to give her 2 weeks notice before reserving a flight which she has to approve
-and that my removal order was not in effect yet, because it only takes effect after 20 days of the date of the letter by IRB

I am so confused. Has anyone ever had this same experience with cbsa?
I'm from Africa and almost all flights to Africa transit either in Paris or London. How can I possibly find a flight that meets all these requirements? It's practically impossible to find that kind of flight before my departure becomes a deportation order.

Also, I thought the departure order takes effect as soon as IRB got my decision to withdraw. So it means that I have until April 2 to leave until it becomes a deportation order right? Yet she says that my departure order take effect 20 days from the time I got the letter (so 20 days after March 8th), does anyone know if what she is saying is right?

I'm so disapointed and scared right now, I don't know what to do. They make me feel like I'm some kind of crazy criminal for making a refugee claim. But it wasn't my fault that there was a coup in my country. Now that things are safe in my country I'm willing to go back but that's being frowned upon by them. At this rate I feel like no matter what I do, I'll never be able to leave under a departure order. It will be a deportation order. With all these rules, the odds are stacked against me. It's like they made it so that I have to be deported. I never stood a chance to leave under departure. Now I will be banned from Canada forever because of a stupid coup that I had nothing to do with. I never took social assistance while I was here. I worked my ass off working minimum wage jobs. All I asked was to remain in a safe place while there was conflict in my country and this is what i get. I'm sorry for the rant but I just can't believe all of this is happening to me.