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H&C Humanitarian Ground with/or Without Failed refugee claim


Hero Member
Nov 20, 2020
You have been in Canada for 10 year , your case is very strong the office refused your application because he felt annoyed that in 10 years you never applied for PR , You have strong chances to get Approval because you have been here for a while now a days CBSA is not deporting anyone ,apply for court or another H&C your next H&C will be approved very fast just find a nice lawyer .
Yes and i also sent all proofs why i didn’t applied for PR during all these years including the police report


Star Member
Jan 23, 2021
You have been in Canada for 10 year , your case is very strong the office refused your application because he felt annoyed that in 10 years you never applied for PR , You have strong chances to get Approval because you have been here for a while now a days CBSA is not deporting anyone ,apply for court or another H&C your next H&C will be approved very fast just find a nice lawyer .
@tony4454 according to my informations and to some lawyers and officers, the reasons for refusing h&c appllicants who have lived a long time in canada are generally why the person did not try to get PR before ? living a long time in canada is a good reason for establishment factor but for many cases it was not an h&c argument or a reason who deserve approval.
do you sent proofs like articles and reports to prove bad conditions in your home country ? did you send support letter from your friends and relatives ? do you have familly members in canada ? did you sent photos ? any reports from doctors or mental health specialists ? volunteer work proofs ?? did your lawyer send a good explanatory letter ? it was long or not ? did you send a letter proprietor ? NEVER LOSS HOP !!! YOU WILL GET IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE !


Champion Member
Feb 11, 2021
Hi wello
I hope you’re doing great yeah 75% of all officer bilingual don’t even worry Your file gonna get transferred to bilingual officer that’s how they work pray file transfer to niagara Falls or Vancouver approval rates are higher
oh lord...
i hope they will trasnfer it to Niagara Falls
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Hero Member
Nov 12, 2020
Hi, yes i have no idea, my lawyer received the refusal letter in their email. Im planning to reconsider becasue honestly deep down i know there was no reason for them to refuse it. i sent whatever happened with me no lies and nothing. I am totally broken deep down my heart.
I understand how you feel but please do not give up. Some people had their applications denied but they applied again or sent for reconsideration and succeeded. Please give it one my trial. This will be the last time because you will surely get approval. It is human to feel broken. Your only option is being strong. Have faith my friend, we shall all see victory.


Hero Member
Nov 12, 2020
Guys i sent my application last week, i completed forms in french, support letters in french, articles : severals are in french but others in english, my lawyer's letter in english.
Do you think guys that my application can be transferred to Montreal where i live ???
OMG ! thought that officers are bilingual !
@Ayanna maybe you have an idea
Nothing to worry about. Our AIP was signed off by an officer in Montreal. But the email for 2nd stage documents is Niagarabro...... Just have faith that you will be favoured wherever they send your application.


Hero Member
Apr 29, 2021
I understand how you feel but please do not give up. Some people had their applications denied but they applied again or sent for reconsideration and succeeded. Please give it one my trial. This will be the last time because you will surely get approval. It is human to feel broken. Your only option is being strong. Have faith my friend, we shall all see victory.
Such nice words ❤
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Star Member
Nov 18, 2020
Hello all its been a while I didn't check this forum, just got my PR card by mail today, thanks everyone for your support, best of luck.
Hi ... when dis u submit ur pictures for the pr .. how muchbtime it took to recieve ur pr card since submitting ur pictures?


Hero Member
Oct 4, 2017
How do I apply for MSP in BC for my parents? My immigration lawyer said I can use my AIP to apply for MSP coverage. Thank you

Ex ツ

Hero Member
May 24, 2020
If we receive a biometric, and additional forms such as 5669, 0008 and PCC marriage and birth.certi, does that mean HNC is approved ?

Carlos chuks

Star Member
Nov 3, 2020
I apologize it is been a while( i think about a month now) I have not posted or been in this forum. I have been very busy working closely with my lawyer on a new h&c application. I have been the one gathering the evidence by myself with little guidance from my lawyer. However, the evidence my lawyer requested is the basic generic evidence that has little value to my case, to be honest. this was why my first application was refused.

I have noticed MOST lawyers spend absolutely no time doing an analysis of a client case to know the list of documents that will help one's case. all they do is ask for genric evidence. So, I spent most of the time gathering the evidence myself. some have to be sent to me from my country. so, it took time. I have to also write an affidavit about my immigration story as well.

In order to concentrate is why you ain't see my post in the forum for a long time. I have now completed everything now. I have shipped all to my lawyer's office. She will be starting on my application next week.. Also, I will ensure I keep a close eye on everything she is doing.... this another mistake I made with my first lawyer. I left everything to the lawyer without checking what he did.

One lesson I have learned is that even if you hire a lawyer, you need to do most of the work yourself because you know your immigration story way more than a lawyer. This will help you to know what evidence you need for your case.. Base the immigration story you have written and evidence is what the lawyer will work with.....So, I am optimistic my application will be successful this time around.

I have been reading yall comment. I notice the processing time is now faster and a lot of people have been getting approval lately. that's good news.

Check your inbox !
When you are gathering your documents, try and bring in new evidence, it will help ur case.
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