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Cic requested passport ( totally confused ) withdraw or no ??


VIP Member
Sep 8, 2014
th3.rdx said:
Actually this post is on behalf of a known one ... I am already in Canada ... And just helping him to get out of the situation because i had no idea about the online TRvès
Okay, not a problem... let's hope we can help your friend in Chandigarh.

Ooopsssssss..... in effect, your friend has written that he realized his 'mistake' only after CIC phoned him :(

He has sort of dropped the axe on his own foot :( :(

Please please please submit another Case Specific Enquiry (although he should not be sending multiple queries/information through this way).... and before he sends another such email, can he please ask an attorney to draft/redraft the details that I had mentioned in my previous post.... basically, he MUST mention that he has provided this additional information WITHOUT CIC asking him for it.

He should also submit a printed signed letter that states all the above when he goes for the interview before CIC officials question him.

I sincerely hope I am wrong in this matter.... maybe he is not just looking at a TRV refusal but misrepresentation..... and, like I said, I truly hope this does not turn out this way

Please do NOT send amateurishly drafted emails/letters to CIC for a possible serious immigration matter.... please do take my advice.... and get an attorney to draft a proper legal and immigration letter


Hero Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Those were my words ... he didnt posted the same .. lets see what happens ..

It was a sure refusal or ban but i didnt know why they called him for interview.

Mybe they want an expalanation .


Hero Member
Jul 2, 2013
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fistillarte said:
If you can't even write with the truth on a post, you really don't deserve any answers or help.
Even i am trying to help someone ... And i donnt think i need you help ? I am good ?

Thanks aniways for your useless comment


Hero Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Bryanna said:
Hope for the best.... do let us know how things work out

Sure bro ... Only 15 hours left for his interview bdw.


Full Member
Mar 10, 2012
th3.rdx said:
I applied online for visitor visa online and got passport request . I submitted my passport today but now i realized that i have a stamp of mauritius which is not mentioned in my application .

Can i get refusal now ??
Should i withdraw to avoid rejection on my passport as i know it can be a sure rejection .

What should i do now ?

Ps :- It ia a refused to land stamp as i diddnt got entry , i didnt had room bookings that time
DO NOT withdraw your application as it will implies more problem once you re-apply. Go to the interview with all the document why you got rejected entry from Mauritius and evidence to show you will not do the same thing here in Canada. They might ask you to apply for a different route of visitor visa.

It all depends on how you answer the officer if you will be given a visitor visa stamp.


Hero Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Hi Bryanna ..

They didnt mentioned too much about the stamps . he told him the whole story why it happened .

They stressed more on why you want to go and how much money you gonna be spending there .

then they told me you can go and vfs will call you shortly ..

Now what it means


VIP Member
Sep 8, 2014
th3.rdx said:
Hi Bryanna ..

They didnt mentioned too much about the stamps . he told him the whole story why it happened .

They stressed more on why you want to go and how much money you gonna be spending there .

then they told me you can go and vfs will call you shortly ..

Now what it means
Okay.... You can breathe a sigh of relief :)

Maybe I'm wrong about my analysis of this situation.... or just maybe I'm right:
How often does someone get called for an interview, in India, for a TRV? Quite rarely, I would believe.... if your friend was called for an interview, this request must get updated in the online tracking (you said there was no update).

I feel the visa office probably called your friend for the Mauritius entry refusal stamp.

Your friend submitted all documents including 'Purpose of Visit'/Itinerary in his visa application.... why he wants to visit.... and his bank statements, financial documents, right?

So, if the visa officer was not convinced about the purpose of his visit + whether he has money for the trip, they would have refused his visa long back.... like they do for other applicants.

Also, why would the visa office send him a passport request.... and then call him for an interview the very next day? Any interview would most probably happen before a passport request.

My guess is your friend had already disclosed about the Mauritius entry refusal.... through the Case Specific Enquiry + your friend told them about it at the 'interview'.... without CIC asking him.... hence, they realized it is a genuine mistake on the part of your friend.... that's why they then asked him other questions like why he wants to go/finances for the visit, etc

Trust your friend confirmed the exact same details (ie purpose of visit/financial details) as stated in his application. No discrepancies, right?

Don't worry.... it's a matter of a couple of days.... do keep us posted.... fingers crossed


Hero Member
Jul 2, 2013
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only 1 tick .... purpose of visit .. i think he should re apply with proper information now .


Hero Member
Jul 2, 2013
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now i am apllying again for him ... what should be my answer to... do u travelled other country in past ten years

yes or no


VIP Member
Sep 8, 2014
Okay.... make a good case with strong supporting documents and evidence this time.... especially for his financial situation + Purpose of visit

Sometimes 'Purpose of Visit' is ticked if the visa officer is not convinced that the applicant genuinely intends to visit for the reasons s/he has stated.... so I would suggest you should make a day-by-day itinerary for sightseeing + other reasons which your friend wants to visit and give the expenses for each day in CAD.... and prove he has finances for the itinerary.

Most importantly, show strong reasons to return to India + strong ties to India (property/employment or business/financial/family, etc)

th3.rdx said:
now i am apllying again for him ... what should be my answer to... do u travelled other country in past ten years
yes or no
Has your friend traveled to any other country in the last 10 years? Then say yes

As for Mauritius, answer 'Yes'.... and mention he was denied entry to Mauritius... in fact, make an explanation and give all the facts.... you should be completely honest and back it up with evidence.

For the Background Section in the TRV visa application ie question for refusal of visas/denied entry, answer 'Yes' and write please refer to Explanation XX: Why I was refused entry to Mauritius.... and also mention his Canada TRV refusal


Hero Member
Jul 2, 2013
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This time they are asking me for invitation letter ..

I have stated other reason.. as my purpose of visit..

Should i change any answer , so that i dont have to subnmit invitation latter because i donnt have one