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Canadian marrying American, moving to Canada process?


Nov 4, 2008
When my husband returned, he flew in. Yes he did tell them he was here to see me and yes we told them we were going to be applying for PR. The reason why they had such a big problem with it was because he and I had already been married for almost a year and still had not applied for PR. So that either made them suspicious or annoyed that we weren't getting it done. But the reason we took so long was because of waiting for medicals, background checks, and then we decided it might be faster to do it outland, so that is why he went back to the U.S but when he left, we realized we couldn't be away from eachother for that long. So we ended up doing inland application. Anyway, long story short, that's why they were suspicious of us. In the end, they let him through, thankfully. They told him he only had a month, but he needed to apply for an extension. We did just that and got our application together and sent it in and everything was fine! We just got our PR a couple days ago after 11 months! :)

I think yes, your husband could tell them he is applying outland, I don't see the harm in it, I would think, if anything, it would show them he is planning on returning to the U.S. If you guys ended up wanting to do inland, for us, it was painless to get a visitor visa extension. There was no hassle, we applied and they approved it in about 2 months or so. On the visitor visa extension application, you can choose how long you want to extend your stay. That is what we did and it was approved, not sure if they always allow people to choose. We also said the reason for wanting to extend was so that we could apply for PR. Hope that helps, let me know if you need anymore clarity! :)


Sep 27, 2009
Thank-you that helps SO MUCH! I am going to have my husband read your post so he feels a little more comfortable when he comes. He's actually terrified of flying, so flying + the concept of being grilled by immigration again has him really stressed out!


Sep 27, 2009
All right, well, tomorrow is the day and we're both so scared... We've tried to take care of things so he has something to show when he gets to immigration at Pearson... Return plane ticket (he is going home for his dad's birthday on the 28th + Thanksgiving), pieces of mail and bank statements with his name and home address, bank print-outs proving funds enough to support his visit, a copy of his portion of the PR papers which he's started to fill out (we will be pursuing the outland route), a digital keychain with photos from our wedding and time together, a copy of our record of marriage... He is still unemployed but that can't be helped... I am so terrified that he'll be given a hard time again, or they won't let him in.


Nov 4, 2008
I wish you the best of luck! I really hope he doesn't have a hard time either. I am sure everything will be okay though, sometimes you get a crappy immigration officer, but they usually let you through. My husband visited me about 2 or 3 times when he was only my boyfriend and he didn't have a return ticket for any of those times and even though they pulled him into immigration for questioning each time, they still in the end let him through, so I am sure it will be okay for you, especially since you are married and he has the return ticket. If not, you can always visit him hopefully? Good luck! xoxo


Sep 27, 2009
WOOOHOO!!! I was sitting there, waiting for the worst (ready to receive a call he didn't make it through) and he walked right up. They'd asked him a few simple questions, stamped his passport and waived him through, even with a flag. Thank God!!