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British Girl looking to move to Vancouver


Full Member
May 15, 2012
Hi 8),

I would really appreciate some advice as I would like to move to Vancouver as my boyfriend lives there. We have been dating 6 months as we met on holiday there and since then I have flown to Canada a few times to see him and he have flown here a few times to visit me.

I am 31 so I have just missed out on the year working holiday visa so I want to see what my other options are? I believe the only way round it would be to get a job to sponsor me, is this correct? Would immigration be easier for British people as we are all part of the British Commonwealth?

I am thinking of going there for around 4 months in September, what I need to know is if a 6 month tourist Visa is guaranteed? I am just worried about giving up everything in the UK and getting to immigration only to be told I can only stay for a month? I am going to use the time there to look for employment, if I can not find work I am happy to come straight back home and I do have sufficient funds to support my stay there. What is the best thing for me to say to immigration when I get there? I have heard it is best to not mention I have a boyfriend in Canada and just say I am visiting friends?

Thanks for your help


Star Member
Mar 14, 2012
I was in a similar situation as you entering Canada, i came for an extended 10 week vacation.

Nature of visit i was asked, i simply replied "extended vacation and visiting a freind".

I got grilled by them! they even phoned my girlfreind in front of me making sure that was where i was heading and that she was going to help support me and put a roof over my head during my stay, i think the biggest thing was i had my return flights back to the uk and all my travel arrangements with me,she asked me about my employment back in the uk and how i was able to take such a long period off, and im pretty sure when they was looking threw my suitcases they were looking for winter clothing or maybe work clothing as this was a summer vacation after all.

After one of the most terrifying experiences of my life, she stamped my passport for 6 months and said "enjoy your stay".


Full Member
May 15, 2012
Thank you for your reply Leo, your story has worried me slightly although you did get the six month stamp in the end so I am glad to hear you got a good outcome. I am just so concerned about getting there and then them deciding I can not stay, I am not sure why it says UK citzens are entitled to a six month tourist visa? How long were you held by immigration for when you arrived?

Did you tell them that you were visiting your girlfriend? I was planning on staying with my boyfriend when I visited so should I tell them that or say I am staying with a friend instead or is it better to be honest? I intend to have a return flight booked but the only issue is that I would not be able to prove I have a job to go back to in the UK as I plan to give this up to go to Canada, did you have to prove you had one?

Are you still in Canada?



Full Member
May 15, 2012
Also I forgot to mention, I am considering arranging some Volunteer with one of the animal santuarys for whilst I am there. Would this help me get my six month stamp as then I can tell immigration I wanted a career break and wanted to do volunteer work?




VIP Member
Jun 8, 2010
Visa Office......
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AOR Received.
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You have to be very careful with volunteer work. If the volunteer work you're interested in doing is something that someone "might" be paid to do - then your volunteering could be classified as the equivalent of working (even though you're not being paid). And, of course, working on a tourist visa is illegal.

If you are serious about pursuing volunteer work - I would contact CIC before you trip to confirm the volunteer work you have planned is acceptable and won't be classified as work.

I would recommend not mentioning the volunteer work to immigration unless specifically asked.


Star Member
Mar 14, 2012
It was probably about an hour(seemed like 5).

I merely said she was a "freind", she asked how i'd met her which was threw a forum we both used.
(she also clarified that with her on the phone).

I didnt prove i had a job, i just explained that i was a contractor and took work as and when i wanted to.

Yes i'm still in Canada and we sign for my pr on friday so exciting times!, when i applied for an extension to my visitor visa, i explained that we had gotten married since and that we had decided to apply inland as my wifes autistic daughter had grown heavily dependant on me during my stay and that we couldnt bear to part us all, also stated that i understood im not allowed to work still and got my wife to sign a cover letter saying she is still supporting me.

And with regards to the "entitled to stay for 6 months", they want to make sure your going to leave after that period.

So after a long wait and my wife being an amazingly strong woman, the stress and uncertainty of all this is going to pay off and im finally going to be able to support my family.


Full Member
May 15, 2012
Hi Leo,

So they didn't quiz why you said 'friend' that she was not a girlfriend? I just think if they ask me it would be hard for me to not say he is not my partner and we are just friends but then if I say he is my partner it will make my entry difficult I guess. I have quite a few friends in Vancouver I can say I am staying with instead who will confirm that which I guess will be a better idea.

That is great that it has all worked out for you, I hope everything doesnt take too long to process for you and you can get back working soon.

So you had no problem getting married whilst on a tourist Visa? How long does the PR take? I am just concerned about being out of work for too long, can this be processed while I go back to the UK to work?



Star Member
Mar 14, 2012
No she didnt quiz further once a said "freind", if she had asked me if it was my "girlfreind" i would of told her that we have been having a long distance relationship.

No problem getting the marriage certificate or getting married, we just had a small ceremony as neither of us are massively religous.

I was half way threw my 2nd visitors visa (both 6 months) when we actually sent the application in.

This is my time line:

7-Mar-2011 AOR

4-Apr-2011 In Process

3-Apr-2012 AIP

3-Apr-2012 DM

18-May-2012 PR/Landing

If you apply INLAND, i dont think you are allowed to leave Canada as you may not get back in, applying OUTLAND i heard is alot quicker, but we made the decision that i would be house husband and grit it out so we didnt have to be apart.


Full Member
May 15, 2012
So does that means that you applied in March and you will get your PR on the 18th May? will that then entitle you work? Sorry for all the questions I just want to get a rough idea of how long it would take for me to be able to work.



Star Member
Mar 14, 2012
pr landing date is 18th may, after that i was told it takes 6 weeks to get the pr card in the mail, which allows to go get a SIN number which in turn allows me too work.


Full Member
May 15, 2012
I just realised you said March 2011, I thought you meant this year. So you have have had to wait over a year to be able to work from applying. I can't believe it takes so long, I really appericate all the info you have given me as it gives me a clearer idea of how long the how process can take.




Star Member
Mar 14, 2012

this link may be of help to you, times are only a guidline each case is different.


VIP Member
Jun 8, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Passport Req..
You should definitely apply outland - even if you're in Canada at the time. It's typically far faster if you're from the UK. Your file could be approved in just a few months.