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9th draw is over, 755 points needed 1361 invitations


Hero Member
Apr 13, 2015
Alberta, Canada
Job Offer........
I'm shocked with some of you guys mocking the EE applicants that were invited with just over 700 points. I'm sorry for all of you who were hoping to get in with less than 450 points but:

- those having LMIA and PNP work hard for their "pathetic" points of 600 and above. It is so hard these days to get these documents in Canada and it is very expensive for employer too! Also, these people are all set, they work in professions that are on high demand in Canada and that's what matters to CIC. They might not have such a great education, but they work hard, tight to their employers with work permit, many of them for very crapy employers that are abusing them and trying to use them as much as they can why they still "own" them. They still have to pass their language tests and work in skilled job so they are not so dumb as some of you are suggesting.

- your speculations about LMIAs being fake is absolutely ridiculous - LMIA is a governmental document and CIC has a record of it since the day you applied for the WP with LMIA, if you try to fake it, you will be deported and banned from the country for 5 years (which can as well be forever). Also, everyone who is nominated based on their LMIA had to submit their T4s and ALL the pay stubs for the whole time they worked under that contract. So they have to have valid SIN number, everything is tracked down and investigated, employers are being called and asked to confirm the employment and duties.

- CIC and government of Canada can pick whoever they want to invite to their country - they have every right to be picky and to be stretching the draws whichever way they want and it was clear that the CIC is waiting these 6 weeks for people with LMIAs and PNPs as they are prioritizing them in the EE to first deal with people already working in Canada

The waiting is a torture for everyone and many of us here in Canada are going through it for years. Try to put yourself in shoes of a person who is in Canada for years and immigration shutting down one program after another, constantly changing rules, so every day you have to worry when you will have to pack your suitcase and just get out of here.

I believe the points will go lower eventually as there are very few LMIAs issued this year and PNP in Alberta in taking ridiculously long and BC PNP is stopped right now. Also, CIC already suggested that international graduates (those who graduated in Canada) will be able to go through EE as they will have good points for language, diploma/ degree and age, probably also skilled work experience in Canada.

Having said that, I'm wishing you all good luck and I hope you will be able to fulfill your dreams. That's what was the purpose of this whole forum I guess - to help each other and cheer for each other - so all ten best for you all and please - hate-free!


May 23, 2015
murukku said:
keep on dreaming and predicting.....this new system is like gambling
waste your money and time!
I told them they'd be playing the lottery, but they wouldn't believe me.

I got laughed at.

I think the best laugh is the LAST one. :p :p :p


May 23, 2015
chaos123456 said:
Well the most bs thing is people with permanent job offer but not LMIA qualified won't get points. Like wtf we compete with Canadians and prove to employers that we have superior skills. LMIA requirement is like saying "Wow you are good but we need to first support our low skill lazy Canadians, better born in the right country next time".
If you're so much more superior than those with LMIA, then you should be able to accomplish what they did: get an LMIA.

Otherwise, your self-delusions of grandeur are just that, delusions in your head, and you did not really "compete" with any Canadian. You got hired for the same reason any other foreigner got hired: because you work for less than a Canadian would.

This is proved by the fact that in most cases employers will drop their foreign employees as soon as they start making demands for an LMIA.


Hero Member
Oct 20, 2014
Job Offer........
chaos123456 said:
Well the most bs thing is people with permanent job offer but not LMIA qualified won't get points. Like wtf we compete with Canadians and prove to employers that we have superior skills. LMIA requirement is like saying "Wow you are good but we need to first support our low skill lazy Canadians, better born in the right country next time".
You don't know how many Canadians are jobless here only because we internationals work for very low wage


Jan 2, 2015
Re: 9th draw over, 755 points needed

exp7 said:
That's ridiculous...
I agree, this is absolutely ridiculous, why they just don't tell people to get a Canadian Job and don't waste their time!


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Aug 26, 2014
British Columbia
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Re: 9th draw over, 755 points needed

julligan said:
I agree, this is absolutely ridiculous, why they just don't tell people to get a Canadian Job and don't waste their time!
They largely do, as I said in your other post. Where has anyone said it's easy to immigrate without a job?


Hero Member
May 14, 2015
Job Offer........
pls check below post:


hybridin said:
Say I have 755 points:
600 - from the offer
155 - from the human core factors - lowest language score, no experience, high school diploma.

What kind of sense does it make?
marcus66504 said:
yea well, while you belittle others and wallow in delusions of your own grandeur, you'll be playing the EE lottery until your hair turns white.

It's not likely that you'll succeed in immigrating to Canada if you don't understand the first thing about immigration: it's to fulfill Canada's needs, not yours.

You don't have to speak a word of English to qualify for immigration. If a Canadian sponsors you as his/her spouse, then that's good enough as far the law is concerned because a need has been fulfilled: family unification. That's what the Government's priorities are, not indulging foreigners' sense of self-entitlement.