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  1. L

    May 2020 - Citizenship Application

    If you don't think you can't change anything because you can't vote then just be quiet and accept anything which happens to you.
  2. L

    May 2020 - Citizenship Application

    Having the right to vote has nothing to do with this. If you are happy to get crappy service then don't spend time on this forum and just get whatever service you end up getting.
  3. L

    May 2020 - Citizenship Application

    All taxpayers have the right to well run government services, whether they are citizens are not. As for applying even though they don't like the peocess: they have already paid IRCC's salary with their taxes and have every right to complain about inefficiencies!
  4. L

    Online citizenship test

  5. L

    Online citizenship test

    "read it"? What does "it" refer to? Maybe I missed it, but haven't seen that mentioned on the official pages: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/canadian-citizenship/become-canadian-citizen/citizenship-test/online.html...
  6. L

    Online citizenship test

    Is there any information over whether you have to be physically in Canada to take the online test?
  7. L

    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    Maybe not, but if a vaccine is around the corner it might make sense for the government to wait until it is available, at least for IRCC employees. As long as IRCC employees are vaccinated, and the vaccine is really as effective as it seems, it may matter less if people taking the test are...
  8. L

    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    The 12 month processing time has never been a guarantee, but just an average processing time. IRCC has already said on their website that due to covid they can't provide accurate processing times.
  9. L

    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    I don't think that arguing that we need citizenship now rather than later so we can avoid getting deported in case we were to commit a crime is going to win us much sympathy...
  10. L

    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    Planning to leave does not necessarily mean leaving forever without ever coming back. I'd rather leave Canada now in order to be closer to my family during the pandemic, and be able to come back later.
  11. L

    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    My guess is that urgent processing now just means the application will only take two years instead of more.
  12. L

    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    There has been a lot of discussion about online tests here, but not much about the interview itself. I'm not entirely familiar with the process, but wasn't it the case so far that after writing the test you would immediately have an interview with an officer where you could show any original...
  13. L

    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    I had been called for a test before covid so I sent a message for update . That was wat i got . Message was to cic calgary How can they possibly "resume" online tests, if online tests have never been done in the first place? Looks like a hoax to me.
  14. L

    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    You are ridiculous. According to your logic, if you don't like what people post in this forum, why don't you go to another forum where people post things you like more?
  15. L

    Why are there threads here about the application for non-Canadian citizenships/statuses

    Isn't this thread also about non canadian citizenship?
  16. L

    Citizenship Ceremony Cancelation due to COVID-19

    Clearly false information. Nobody was doing tests 2 months ago since all tests have been suspended since March!!
  17. L

    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    PR has to be renewed, which is a hassle (and potentially an impediment) for people who have to travel. Some people also value being able to vote.
  18. L

    Citizenship Test

    Don't see why it wouldn't be safe to have the test in an outdoor space, for example within an open air stadium. I'm sure there are safe solutions which could be implemented immediately, if there was the willingness to do so.
  19. L

    Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship

    What do you mean that citizenship is a "privilege"? Canada is based on the rule of law, and there are clear rules on what has to be done to obtain citizenship. From this point of view, obtaining citizenship if you are following the rules is a right. It is not a special favour the government does...
  20. L

    Missing entry stamps

    Hello, I noticed that I have 4 entries to Canada without any corresponding entry stamp on my passport. All of these were from 2016, and were from entries by air. During this time I was on a work permit, so I don't think I could have used the automatic kiosks at the time. I am confident of...